If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Monday, June 8, 2015

Monday to do list

Good morning! I back with a prettied up list.   Are you working on a list? I'd love to see it.
I used some colored ink pens, they didn't photograph as bright as they look in person.
Images are all made with rubber stamps, colored with map pencils.
I rarely buy rubber stamps but when I saw this shopping lady for 25 cents at my favorite thrift store, I bought her.  I think her hair and shoes are both a hoot!


  1. I love the stamp! I imagine that's how I look! I like how you keep track of bible reading ...great idea!
    Have a great day!

    1. I just need to keep track of things to keep from getting distracted and doing something else. Bible reading is so easy to fall by the wayside if I am not keeping track too.

    2. PS, if you look like this stamp,then you are cute cute cute!

  2. I love your to-do list - the stamps are great. The shopping lady is fabulous - she would make a great gift tag as well.

    1. thank you. You are right that she would be a good gift tag, she is the perfect size too

  3. Fun! Does this make your chores more pleasant? I always feel rewarded to check off chores as I do them.

    1. I dont usually mind doing chores but having a cute list makes it even easier and I am always happy when I check off one that is done.

  4. What a clever way to fun up a to-do list! I love it! I have some stamps that would be pretty to use too. Thank you for sharing on the Art of Home-Making Mondays! You have a very nice blog! I will be off visiting family this summer but wanted to give a quick hello to you first as this is the first time you joined;) Our link ups will still continue if you would like to share every week. Take care, JES :)

  5. Oh my goodness I miss CVS and Aldis. Our city doesn't have either and when I lived in GA my couponing day was the highlight of my week. Nothing like scoring deals

  6. That stamp is so cute.. great find..
    Love your to do list.. cute, cute..


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