
Thursday, December 17, 2020

Blogidays December 17 - lunch and a school program

Hello - I didn’t forget to post today, it was just a busy day.  
Some of the grands were here for the afternoon after they did their virtual school work and zooms. 
This was our impromptu lunch - 
little frozen pizzas
French fries because the kiddos asked for them and they baked with the pizzas
Chocolate chip muffins because Elizabeth wanted to make and eat them

 Chocolate Chip Muffins is on of the first recipes I ever got from the internet and have been baking them since 1998. 

In the evening, we drove out the the country school where 2 grandsons go and saw the 6th grader play his trumpet in a Christmas concert 

A friend of ours is a single foster mother and has adopted 4 of her foster children.  She posts some of their activities on FB and this one was so funny,  I thought y’all would all laugh at it.  

She has lots of confidence,  doesn’t she?  

Good evening everyone 
❤️ Rhonda 


  1. Thanks for the recipe. I bet the kids would love them so I'll make them soon. You made a great lunch for your grands.

  2. Oh my goodness how cute she is. That is so cute of her.

  3. She is adorable. Love those muffins, will make for sure.

  4. She is so cute! I hope she always thinks she is awesome cause she is!
    Thanks for the muffin recipe. My son loves muffins and I love, win.


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