If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Getting ready for a new decade

well, actually, I am just getting ready for the new month. I don't have a crystal ball to know what will happen in the new decade, but I am pretty sure that in January, I will be feeding my family.
I've been reading about the Eat from your pantry challenge and I think it is a good idea. I will be on a plan that works for us, just like Money Saving Mom says.
My goal will not be to just eat from the pantry, I like keeping a pantry stocked and hope I don't empty it. But I will be trying to stick to a $100 a week budget - yes, that is higher than some families spend but it works with our income and saving goals just fine.

So, I spent some time this week cleaning out, inventorying and rearranging the pantry.
One area I do plan to use down is our frozen food. We don't have a big freezer, just the freezer space on top of a normal size fridge and a small extra fridge. I made a list of everything frozen and was amazed at how much is in them.

I think we have plenty of nuts and dried fruits....

Aren't these old-fashioned jars nice? I got 8 of them from my son that likes to thrift-store shop.

My eat from the pantry guidelines
use up the frozen items
eat from the pantry as much as possible
continue eating our normal amounts of fresh produce and dairy
stock up if a great sale comes along
$100 a week budget

So, who is else is doing their version of the pantry challenge?


  1. Oh boy are you organized! I wish I had pantry space like you. The old fashioned jars work well because she can see right through them.....good luck with your challenge....


  2. Your pantry makes me giddy. I need to do some major stocking up, I wanted soup this week and only had one can. Tomato soup was not what I was craving:)

  3. You sure do have a nice pantry! I wish I had that much storage space. Living in a 2 bedroom apartment I have had to be creative about storage, LOL I also use those big jar for food storage.

  4. I still love your pantry, Rhonda!

  5. I am also planning to not spend anything on groceries until absolutely necessary... I started my Pantry/freezer/cupboard challenge two weeks ago and because I live alone not much food is getting used up so I could probably go another month without buying anything but fresh fruit and veggies.I have cut back on the amount of meat I eat so my freezer will take awhile to get empty as well.
    Have a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year,
    Weezie in Alberta, Canada

  6. Hi Rhonda,
    Looks good. I am so ready for the new year too.
    Happy New years.

  7. I like to do the pantry/freezer challenge because I want to make sure that I use food before the expiration date. It makes me rotate my stock, so to speak. It's a good thing!

  8. My pantry has been in a state of disrepair for a couple months. It isn't a problem of having too much food. It's a problem of having a lot of spices and baking needs and boxes of crackers and cereal. Oh yeah, there's also the growing pile of dishes for my grandson. I started cleaning it out tonight, but won't finish it until Monday - my next day off. I'll be posting about it then.

  9. I love your pantry! We used to have one very similar in a house we once rented, and I miss it! We have a space that would make a great pantry, but is horribly laid out. I want to have my dad come over this summer and help me add shelves to the wall (which have to fit around the chimney).

  10. Your pantry is adorable! :) Good luck with the challenge.. I can't wait to hear how it goes! :)

    Oh, and a happy new year to you. :)

  11. Great pantry, Rhonda. I, too , will be participating in this challenge except for buying fresh ideas like dairy and produce.


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