If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Friday, December 11, 2009

PIe Fixes Everything.....

Well, that is what a sign says in the Sugar Pie Farmhouse, I thought it was so cute, I made one for my kitchen too.


  1. Haha...that's cute...and SO true! I don't even need a plate...just a fork! :)

  2. This must have been your Grandma Campbell's philosophy as she made pies everyday. And you know this, but I'm telling this to your readers. She made pies before she cooked the biscuit, meat, eggs and gravy breakfast for my Daddy and brothers who were doing the chores such as milking the cows, feeding the livestock, etc. In short she had started dinner before breakfast! Mom

  3. Six days until someone has a birthday!

  4. Very cute. I really enjoyed looking at all your Christmas decorations too. You've done such a nice job!
    Chrissie Grace


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