If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Saturday, November 21, 2015

2 baby tips

I sewed up a few bandana style baby bibs last month for the grandson baby.  He is quite a prolific drooler so I looked through my fabric and cut out a bunch more last night. 
This new batch has flannel on either both or 1 side for absorbency.  
I prefer to use buttons to close bibs and the assorted buttons are all from my button jar.  

Bandana bibs sew up quickly and don't use much fabric.
There are multiple free bandana bib patterns and tutorials online.  
Tip 1 is make some bibs for the babies in your life or for shower gifts.  

We were  indoors on that day  but this 20 pounder was spending a lot of time in the stroller.  He was a little sick with teething and a cold, so he didn't  want to sleep in the swing.  He is just so big that my arms get tired if I carry him as much he would like, so when we need to move from room to room, this little umbrella stroller is perfect.  
Babies want to be close to their caregivers so even on his happy days, if I am doing laundry or straightening up our home, I roll whichever baby is here around the house in a little stroller.  
The baby likes it and my back really likes it!  

Jackson modeling a bandana bib- 

I looked through my fabric stash and cut out a stack of bandana bibs for granddaughter Charlie.  I'll get them sewed up so I can give them to her Thanksgiving. 

Silly Elizabeth in a green apron with a tutu on her head, 
Can you guess what she is?  
A flower of course!


  1. Nice to know I have company in the wee hours of the morning, lol. How old is Jackson now? We use to call my son 'Pumpking Eddy' due to his size. He finally stopped putting on weight around 9 months and shot up like a weed. He was close to 11 pounds at birth and now is such a skinny young man. Such cute grandbabies. The Dude and I joke about 'adopting' grandkids as the three kids we have between us have no interest in marriage nor kids.

    blessings, jill

    1. Jackson is almost 6 months! His big sister, Elizabeth, was the same size as him and she doesn't have a single ounce of fat on her body now so I'm not worried! :)

  2. Aww he is so cute -great idea on the bibs and also on the stroller. After Christmas I may make up some of those cute bandana bibs and have them ready for showers. Have a great day!

    1. Thank you Vickie, I think bandana bibs would be wonderful shower gifts.

  3. So cute! I would've guessed a character from Dr. Seuss instead of a flower. Bibs are so practical. Wish I knew more babies to sew and knit for, it's so much fun!


    1. Thank you Jane. I did not know what Elizabeth was pretending to be until her mother told me. Elizabeth rarely is so still or so straight.
      Yes, sewing for babies is fun. :)

  4. I was thinking Dr Seuss too! Too cute! Your bibs are wonderful!

  5. The bibs you are making are beautiful. I saw ones like this in a store and they're ere expensive. I would love to make some for my granddaughter.
    My Dad is still in intensive care but possibly tomorrow he will be out of there into another room. So that is amazing progress! thank you for your message and prayers. I am very tired and achieved not much this week! with love, Annabel.xxxx

    1. Hi Annabel, I'm relieved your dad is doing better.
      The bandana bibs would be perfect for your granddaughter, I'm guessing you will use pink girly fabrics :)

  6. That little Jackson is just a picture of his daddy, isn't he. My Layla was 20 pounds at 9 months and has the thighs to prove it. LOL.
    I knew right away that Elizabeth was a flower. That's very sweet.

    1. Jackson does look like his daddy and even more like his daddy's daddy.
      I'm not concerned at all how big he is. His eating has a.ready slowed down and even though he just turned 6 months, he has almost figured out how to crawl :)

  7. Sweet post! Lil Miss did indeed make a beautiful flower.
    May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    1. Thank you d, happy Thanksgiving to you too.

  8. So cute! I love the bibs!I wish I had a baby in the family. All the grands have grown like weeds! Life is flying by! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    1. Thank you Georgene, the bibs are something you might want to see for baby showers at your church. Happy thanksgiving to you too. I miss your blog posts

  9. Mrs.Rhonda,

    Your grandchildren are absolutely beautiful! I also often use a little umbrella stroller to wheel the wee ones who are visiting from room to room.
    Happy Thanksgiving,

    1. Hello Mrs B, I'm glad to hear someone else also uses a stroller indoors. It really is handy!
      Happy Thanksgivng to you all too


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