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Saturday, April 29, 2017

Crocheted baby dolls

Edited again 2017
A reader asked about the face size for these baby dolls.
I measured and took a picture- I think her face is about 3 inches.

I still don't know where to buy the baby hands and face but if you can find them, the 3 inch faces.

Edited -2016
Pattern Scan

The sellers where I bought the hands and faces are no longer in business and I did many online searches and could not find the parts for sale any where

Aren't these sweet little baby dolls?
My mom crocheted them, just like her mom crocheted them. My mom has one at her house that Grandma made, probably 40 years ago. Whenever mom's cleaning help comes and brings her little girl with her, the little girl liked to play with that doll. Mom wanted to make her one so I went on an internet search to find the plastic face and hands that are needed. They came in lots and I think Mom ended up with 10 or 12 sets.
Now that a granddaughter has come along, Mom made a baby for her. Nina had one of Grandma's crocheted dolls when she was a little girl and she played with it until it was worn out.

Can you see that the baby holds a bottle in one hand and it fits in her mouth, just like a real baby drinking a bottle?
The little blanket that wraps around the baby is attached too.
Mom brought these 3 dolls for 3 other little girls here in Oklahoma.


  1. My Grandmother made these, while I was growing up. The group of ladies in her church made them for the kids in the childrens home their church supported.

  2. I never had one but I remember seeing other little girls with them. So cute!

  3. Such sweet baby dolls! Your mother is very talented, like you!

  4. They are adorable! Do you make them for others? Thank you.

  5. Brings back memories for me too! Very pretty!!! Your mom is as sweet as you are.

  6. that is just adorable! You wanted to add me as a friend on xanga...I emailed you.

  7. Does anyne have a pattern for these dolls?

  8. I am looking for a pattern for this doll! My grandma made one for me and I would love to make one for my daughter. If you have info on the pattern I would greatly appreciate if you could email me how to find it. Thanks!!!


    1. Their are patterns for these dolls on Pinterest. I have one that is 35 yrs old. My mom got it at Walmart. I have used it so much it is falling apart.

  9. Do you sell these dolls? I have one that my granddaughter loves to play with when she comes to visit. I would like to have 2 more. Please let me know at billieriley@sbcglobal.net

    1. I do not have any of these babies to sell and I looked awhile back and could no longer find the parts needed to make them either.
      It is possible that a seller on EBay or Etsy may have the babies to sell or the parts to sell.

      Sadly, these babies are old fashioned these days

    2. I'm looking for a doll like this that has crocheted openings for all fingers to make doll come alive. Head for middle finger, ring and pointer finger went in dolls hands, and thumb and little fingers went into feet. Baby comes alive as you move all fingers as baby lays in your arms on the blanket.

  10. Do You have a pattern for this doll. Would love to make for my grandkids. Thanks

    1. Angie, I edited this post to include a link to the pattern scan.
      Hope you can read it and hope you can find the parts needed

  11. I had one just like this. I wish I could make one for my daughter.

  12. What size of face would you need for these? I see antique sellers selling both 3 inch and 4 inch faces. Thanks for sharing the photos and the pattern. My grandmother used to make these dolls and I want to make one for my daughter.

  13. There are just so cute. I had forgotten these until you posted this. It would be neat to find the parts and make my grand daughter one. Have a great day Rhonda!

  14. I remember those dolls from my childhood, so they've been around a long time!


  15. I remember those dolls! You used to be able to buy the faces and hands at the older type five and dime stores. Surely there has to be an outlet on the internet somewhere.
    They are just precious.
    Have a great one.

  16. Oh how sweet!! I don't remember ever seeing one of these. And, like you said, it's sad these babies are "old fashioned" today.

  17. These are the cutest!!! Someone needs to bring back those sweet heads!!

  18. There's a blast to the past!! I remember these! The other one that mom's made were the ones with the yo-yo's for arms and legs. I can't recall what the bodies and heads were, but I remember being fascinated by the yo-yos. I'm gonna google and see what I find! I remember my Grandma teaching me how to make an octopus with yarn and an old ball.

    I still have my favorite doll from childhood. She was called Baby Tender Love. I got her when I was about 8 and now I'm in my 50's lol.

    Debby in KS

  19. I still have one a little old lady at my church was making them one day we beg my mom if we could have it for Christmas she was selling them for 15.00 that was alot when you had to get two so Christmas morning there it was. Thank you for the memories. I have a grandbaby now she three she would love it thanks for your pattern .

  20. I remember these as a kid and would dearly love to make some again but can not find the faces to buy....if anyone has a sight where you can order them reasonably priced, I would love to hear from you .....

  21. I remember these as a kid and would dearly love to make some again but can not find the faces to buy....if anyone has a sight where you can order them reasonably priced, I would love to hear from you .....

  22. Hello Mini messaging I was wanting to find out if I could get the pattern to make this a friend of mine is wanting me to make one for her granddaughter. Can not find a pattern nowhere.

  23. I made this for my kids and nieces close to 30 years ago. Now I have 8 granddaughters and grandnieces I want to make them for. If you can find them they want as much as you a doll at Walmart cost and that's not counting the yarn and time. Just want to make them a keepsake from me

  24. Wow made some of these for my grandchildren now I would love to make them again for great granddaughters. I have lost te pattern!

    1. I have the Walmart pattern to this if anyone would like it I will send it to them my email is tammie.hammond@icloud .com

    2. I have been looking for this pattern for years. I have 3 great granddaughters that would love them. Where did you get the face and hands ?


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