If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Not the busiest Wednesday

Hello everyone 
We had 2 errands today.  The first one was picking up summer  lunches and breakfasts from our local school system  They pass out a week’s supply at each weekly pick-up.  
The second was going to the hospital for my husband to do his pre-op screenings.  Both were so pleasant and efficient.  I truly appreciate when events like this go smoothly.  

My main housekeeping today was doing all our laundry - just 3 loads so it wasn’t a huge task.  

Lunch was a stir fry made with normal vegetables we usually have the last of the Texas Roadhouse steak left from that family meal on Sunday.  

Simple and very tasty ๐Ÿ˜‹ 

These pots are in our backyard and are holding deeply discounted plants from the Lowes clearance racks.  
They all perked up and really grew once they were transplanted into bigger pots.  

Good night everyone 
Hope you all sleep well with sweet dreams 
❤️ Rhonda 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Shopping day

Y’all sure know how to welcome me back, thank you!  

Today’s harvest is less impressive than yesterday.  There were also 2 little tomatoes and my husband ate them before I took a photo.  
He said they were delicious 

Here’s my list with a few more things checked off 

I did some shopping this afternoon
Below is just a few groceries we needed from Walmart pick up 

The Acetaminophen is for my husband.  He found out this morning he will have shoulder surgery next week.  He has to stop his other pain relievers but can take acetaminophen ( this is a new recommendation,  before his past surgeries, he couldn't take any nsaids or Tylenol). 

I needed yarn for a plastic canvas project and Joann was the cheapest and easiest place to get it.  

Believe it or not,  these 3 items were from CVS and were .21.  I had a coupon for the nail polish and hair products and CVS sent me a $4 coupon on anything because I haven’t shopped there in so long.  

All of these items were from Walgreens and I spent $41 cash with some digital coupons and Walgreens cash for all 
of it and I got back……

$11 in registers rewards and $14.39 in Walgreens cash for future shopping trips.  
Walgreens is my favorite couponing store!  

All coupons were digital coupons. 
If you want to try some deals,  first get the app for whatever store you want to shop at.
Below are some media accounts that give good information on sales and coupon matching.  You can find them on YouTube and IG.  

Savvy coupon shopper 
LA Savings 
Couponing with Kayla 

There are lots more besides these.  

Supper tonight was a doctored up Pizza. 

It was good but tomorrow I will plan out meals with vegetables 

My husband and I both a bit down and anxious thinking about the surgery but I think by tomorrow,  we will be ready to face whatever.  

And thank you everyone for the warm welcome back 


Monday, June 10, 2024

Getting back to doing stuff

Hello everyone
I’ve pretty much been away from blogs for several months - lots of reasons from me just not feeling like myself, my husband having health issues and several family situations I can do nothing about.  
I can work on myself and I’ve been to the doctor.  One of my issues is responding to very well to a new prescription but other issues still exist-  so,  I’m just going to do what I can, try to fix what I can and just live with the rest. 
And I want to get back to being more productive.   

So,  I made this list for the new week.  And as of this evening,  I’ve checked off a few more things too.  

I picked a little more than a gallon of green beans this morning.  We have one row of them in a skinny bed and they are producing quite well. 

We had a family meal last night with family packs from Texas Roadhouse.  
We all ate heartily but there lots of rolls left.  
My husband’s favorite breakfast is a sausage biscuit or 2.  
So I decided to use a lot of those rolls for breakfast sandwiches.  

I happen to have a good supply of breakfast sausage bought during Kroger sales.  
So I cooked up 3 rolls and made about 2 dozen breakfast sandwiches.  
I put all but 1 box in the freezer and the other one in the fridge.  
They heat up easier when their are not frozen.  
He can just heat up 1 or 2 for his breakfasts.  
And when a box empties,  we will take a frozen box and put in the fridge.  

In the sewing room,  I’ve started 2 more strip quilts.  
It’s my favorite kind to sew.  
We have 2 twin extra long beds in a guest room and regular quilts are just not long enough for these beds 
so I’ll sew these to be size that covers them like a bed spread.  

That’s all for now 

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Another casual coupon trip and library goodies

There is a new batch of Walgreens deals  this week.  
I pretty much followed Savvy Coupon Shopper’s plan from YouTube 

I only used digital coupons and the 3 paper Walgreens rewards I got on last week’s trip.  
I paid $5.48 cash and earned back $10 in Walgreens rewards and about $7 in Walgreens cash 

My granddaughter was with me and she was pretty surprised when the total was so low.  
She wanted to go the library so that was our next stop.  
We have a very nice public library.
I picked up some free seeds there. 

These are the 2 recipes in that Burpee pamphlet that sound really good to me.  
I’m not sure this one needs a whole cup of olive oil though - what do y’all think? 

I’ve made a little more progress in the backyard garden, but no photos yet.  
This nice spring weather is misleading.  It makes me want to move my tomato plants outside when is 65 or 75 degrees.  But I see we have a hard freeze in the forecast next week.  
So I’ll be waiting until April 15 even though I don’t want to.  

Hope you are well

Friday, March 8, 2024

Winner, Winner, Turkey Dinner

It started raining last night and rained most of today so I didn’t do any yard work today.  

There has been a big turkey in our freezer since before Thanksgiving.  It wasn’t needed for Thanksgiving as our son brought turkeys he cooked. 
We are also out of frozen chicken broth.  
So I thought I would thaw out that turkey and make broth with part of it.  

So I cut it up and have the back, neck and wings cooking in this large crockpot for broth,  

The legs and thighs are in the fridge for now.  

I sealed  the breast in foil and baked it, low and slow- and it turned out so good! 

We had turkey with sides for supper 

And I guess we will be having several more turkey meals but that’s ok with me.  
I’ll probably make more broth with the legs -or  “bone broth” as the cool homemakers call it these days. 

Turkey ๐Ÿฆƒ anyone?  


Thursday, March 7, 2024

Progress taking back the garden spot- after working here today and yesterday.

There is still lots to do and that’s only 6 feet 
But there is hope! 

My son made this meatloaf with this recipe-he says  it’s the best turkey meatloaf he’s ever had and they will be eating meatloaf for days.  
The photo he sent doesn’t have the mixing and baking instructions but you all know how to mix and bake meatloaf, right?  

I think meatloaf sandwiches sound very nice.  

❤️ Rhonda 


Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Pork cutlets, a livestock show and will we garden?

Hello everyone 
I cooked those bargain $1 pork cutlets and they were delicious!  
I also baked that big pan of sliced carrots, made some mashed potatoes and a mix white gravy.  
Below is my plate 

My husband was very happy with this meal.  

This morning we went to the local junior livestock show at the county fairgrounds.
  Our 2 oldest grandsons were showing their Guernsey dairy cows.  
They are in 6th and 9th grade now.  

This is  what our side garden spot in the back yard currently looks like ๐Ÿ˜ต‍๐Ÿ’ซ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

Because of physical issues and extended family needs,  we have not really gardened in a couple of years.  

This is what that patch looked like, a few years ago, before the weeds moved in.  
Weeds grow really well in Oklahoma 
We’ve talked about hiring someone to just take it all back to a grass yard.  

But spring has me wanting to garden so I’m going to see how much cleaning up I can do without tearing it all down. 
No photos but I did a bit of clean up today and found a little asparagus coming up and blackberry bushes with lots of green leaves.  
I’m hoping to clean up a little each day and see how it goes.  

So come back and see if I make any progress.  

Hope you are all well. 
It’s a beautiful springlike day for us 

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Seedlings, soup and a good cookie bar recipe

Hello everyone 
I planted these tomato and pepper seeds Feb 5 and it was pretty cold then 
It took a while but they all sprouted and seem to be growing a little everyday 

We really like that cabbage bean soup I wrote about a few days ago. 
This morning I made a double batch of it.  
The photo is not beautiful but the soup is tasty 

I baked a new recipe I saw from Meals with Maria- she has a YouTube channel and a blog 

I followed the recipe. She said to add things as desired and I added cinnamon and pecans.  
She said to use a 9x9 baking dish but it looked like a lot of dough to me so used a 9X13 and I’m glad I did.  
It also took a little longer to bake.  
The oatmeal bars are delicious and I plan to keep this recipe.  

I took some soup and cookies to my older relative for lunch and they liked them both very much.  
So did my husband.

Hope you’re all having a good day 

Monday, March 4, 2024

March 4th

Hello everyone 
My husband and I went to Oklahoma City today, partly to shop and partly to have a day out.  
We went to the Air Force base and shopped a little. 
Our youngest granddaughter turned 5 and we bought her  2 spring church dresses.  
I think maybe that’s  just  a southern thing, calling nice dresses “church dresses”- back when people were concerned about dressing properly for an occasion.  Some occasions called for a school dress, some called for a church dress and some called for a fancier, formal dress.  

The commissary just didn’t have many good deals or even reasonable prices. 
They do sell marked down meat in a freezer bunker.  
I’ve never bought this cut of pork but they look very lean - and I think I bought them just because they were $1 a package.  
The look like slices of loin that have been tenderized.  
I’m thinking tomorrow I’ll bread and pan sautรฉ a package, serve on a bun, like a fast food pork sandwich.  

I saw this on Facebook and it made me laugh.  
March 4th everyone 


Sunday, March 3, 2024

Casual couponing

One of my goals for 2024 was to do casual couponing a few times a month and I’ve pretty much done it.  
I don’t use paper coupons,  just digital coupons on the store webpage or app.  
I’m not trying to spend zero,  I just want to get products my family uses at as big a discount as I legally and reasonably can.  

There are many coupon experts out there.  
Look on Instagram or YouTube and you’ll find all the advice you can use.  

I’ve been doing my coupon shopping at Walgreens and DollarGeneral.  And just a few times at CVS.

I plan out my deals but I never know just how they will go until I check out.  

Today I got 2 big packs of Bounty towels,  3 toothpastes and 1 tooth brush. 
My out of pocket cash spent was $23ish (I  should have planned to spend Walgreens cash but I forgot and the cashier didn’t ask). I also used some digital coupons and some Walgreens rewards from last week) 
Walgreens gives out paper rewards -made the $4, $3 and $5 rewards under the toothpastes?  
And they give out Walgreens cash- see my earnings and balance on today’s receipt 

I never know exactly how a transaction will go but lately they have been going great!

At Dollar General, I use their digital coupons and combine them with sales and cash rewards.  
I’ve been happy with my purchases there too.  

I’ve got a nice stockpile at home and I just started making a pile for my daughter.  They are not low income but they are raising a family, and their property insurance and loan interest rates are going up, just like so many people.  

The main products I see with the biggest discounts and rewards are laundry products and dental products,  next are cosmetics and personal care like lotions, hair products, etc.  
I’ve also found recent deals on paper products.   And air freshener products- 

This way of shopping isn’t for everyone but I’m thankful for it and it’s helping us.  

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Homemade soup and thrift store purchases

Hello everyone 
I made a batch of cabbage bean soup for our lunch and it was so fast to make with already having the carrots, onions and potatoes peeled and chopped.
I like this recipe from Lena 

She doesn’t blog anymore but she always was so sweet and had really helpful content.  

We had some cheese and crackers with our soup 

I went to 2 thrift stores this week.  I used to think our town had wonderful thrift stores.  
But I’ve been in a decluttering and downsize pattern for a while now and most stuff doesn’t appeal to me anyway.

I bought these vintage magazines and 1 little jigsaw puzzle.  I think my total cost was in the $3 range. 

This is the vegetable chopper I used.  
I bought it from Amazon but,this model is not available any longer but there are many similar ones available. 
I like it but it don’t get it out unless I’m chopping a lot of things.  The green grid thar pushes the vegs through the blades can be a little tricky to clean.  

Hope you’re all having a nice weekend 

Friday, March 1, 2024

Back to homemaking

Where did January and February go?  Wherever it was, they certainly went fast for me.  
But I’m ready to get back to normal homemaking, as normal as is possible anyway.  

So last night I wrote out a meal plan 

It’s not a day by day specific plan but I think we have all the ingredients on hand for these meals and they all sound good.  

To get a head start,  I decided to chop up some vegetables and I ended up doing a lot more veggies than first planned.  
I wanted to make a big salad to eat for lunches and for a supper side dish. 
I wanted to cut up onion, celery and bell pepper for the dirty rice I cooked today.  
The 5 pound bag of carrots in the fridge drawer were starting to grow roots.  
We had 3 onions on had and 1 was just starting to get soft.  
So, I processed all of them and they will be waiting in the fridge for future meals.  

Then I saw we had a half bag of potatoes. My husband peeled all them and I chopped them into cubes in the same chopper used for the onions, bell peppers, part of the carrots and celery.  

It feels good to have ingredients ready for some easier home cooked meals in the future.  
And I hope we don’t turn orange from eating  so many carrots. 

Our main meal today was dirty rice and it was so good!  

I browned a half pound of lean ground beef and then cooked it with about a half cup each onion, celery and bell pepper.  
Then I added about 3 cups of cooked  brown rice, about 2 cups of cooked red beans, 2 t Cajun seasoning and 1 t sage.  
It’s not pretty but it’s tasty.  

About my husband,  he had 3 doctor appointments this week.  He has a shoulder impingement and will start physical therapy next week.  
He also had treatments to his shoulder and back, he’s not good as new but is feeling a lot better.  
I’m very thankful that for now,  surgery is not in his future.  

Thank you all for the YouTube channel recommendations ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘


Monday, February 26, 2024

A few home changes and my current YouTube favorites

Hello everyone 
I wanted to write a blog post before the month of February ends.
January and February have not been a lot of fun. My husband spent about half of that time helping his parents. You all know he came back from one trip with a respiratory infection that stayed with him three weeks. Thankfully, I never caught it.
Then, on the second trip down there, he injured his shoulder. 
Today he got injections in his back that he gets about every three months. Tomorrow he will see the ortho specialist about his shoulder. We both thought if he just rested his shoulder, that it might heal on its own, but it’s been about 10 days and it is not getting better. The doctor he is seeing tomorrow is the one who did his last knee replacement, and we are confident that he will have the best treatment plan.  

My husband and I know we are not getting any younger and we have been making changes over the last few years to make our home for comfortable and manageable as we age.
About 6 years ago,  we put adjustable beds in the master bedroom and we both like them a lot.
When my husband had that respiratory bug and I was sleeping in one of the guest rooms to avoid getting sick,  I missed my adjustable bed.  
So,  after we thought about it,  we got some more adjustable beds and put them in this guest room.  
They will be comfortable for for guests and they will be comfortable for either me or my husband if we end up sleeping in that room. 

The Queen bed was moved next door.  It looks like a nice bed but I don’t like this older mattress at all.  
I would have preferred to just get rid of this bed, but my husband wanted to keep it. And any of you that are married know marriage involves compromise.
But our granddaughter likes sleeping in this bed so for now, it’s in that second bedroom.

This twin bed is the bed that same granddaughter slept in when her family lived with us for a year. It is a really good mattress.
It was in a closet, but I moved it into the sewing room, because if someone was staying in that bedroom, there wouldn’t be any room for their clothes in the closet, because that bed took up the closet.

There’s still a ton of stuff in this sewing room
But if I ever get back to sewing, I can always spread projects out on top of that twin bed
And it will be a place for someone to lay and take a nap. If we have a lot of guest it will be another space for sleeping.  

I rarely watch regular TV anymore. The shows just seems so fake or extreme, I just don’t enjoy them.
But there are several channels on YouTube that I do really like

I really like Meals with Maria.  She is a mom of three that lives in a normal looking house and she cooks normal food. She does it on a budget and without any drama.

Big Bankz does Urbex (Slang for urban exploration) He explores abandoned homes and buildings. I don’t know why it’s so interesting, but it is. My husband and some of the grandchildren enjoy watching him too. 

Taco Stacks does scrapping, trash picking, cleaning out houses,  selling on eBay, buying abandoned storage building contents,  thrift shopping and sell at swap meets. 

I would call all of those shows G rated.
The only warning I would give is if you watch very much of Taco Stacks or urbex videos,  you will start cleaning out your drawers and closets ๐Ÿ˜Š 

There are so many good YouTube channels.
But I’d love to learn of some more.
Please comment if you watch any that you think I would like

