If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Quarantine update #14 - this weeks to do list and more masks and their drama

Hello everyone 
I made a new list for this week and it’s not completed but I’ve made a lot of progress 

I sewed more masks and learned more about them too.  
When I first started making them more than a month ago, the advice said to use flannel on the inside so they will be softer on the wearer’s face.  Well, I wore a flannel lined one when it was 88 degrees outside and that mask was so hot!  Flannel lined masks will just not be a wearable option in Oklahoma during warm weather.  
That spool of elastic I ordered never did come ☹️
I made some masks with some lingerie elastic I had on hand.  The elastic is comfortable but is not suitable for most men as it has a tiny scalloped edge.  
I also made some masks using the 2 mm hair ties/pony tail holders.  I don’t like how they feel on my ears but my husband thinks they are fine.  
I’m now adding a wire near the nose to all my masks as they make for a closer fit and especially help to avoid glasses fogging up if the mask wearer wears glasses ๐Ÿค“ 

Our masks get laundered every time they are worn and they hang in the laundry room, right by the door to our garage, so we always remember to take some when we leave.  

We live in a university town and I made these with a scrap of school logo fabric.  
My husband wore the top mask into CVS to use their ATM.  When he came out, the lady in the car beside us rolled down her window and asked about his mask.  She wants some but I have no more fabric and can’t get any more right now.  
And the other masks are spoken for. 
She was very nice and I would of shared with her if I could.  

So if you’re sewing masks, especially if you are wanting to make a business of it, (I am not)  any fabric design that is popular in your area would most likely be a great seller.  
Also, people that wear masks often will need several as they need to laundered after each use.  

This may sound like I am out a lot but I am not.  In the last 6 weeks,  I have been inside Walmart 2 times, Aldi once and Lowe’s once.  

We’ve done a lot of yard work and gardening this week and I will share those photos tomorrow.  

Hope you are all fine.  
Our state and town are easing up restrictions a little this week and May 1.  
But my husband and I don’t plan to change anything we have been doing just yet.  

❤️ Rhonda 

Friday, April 24, 2020

Quarantine Update #13 - mask problems, a little sewing and question about DIY disinfecting wipes

Not much to talk about- I’ve done some weeding in the flower beds and am so pleased so many of our pretty perennials came back and look good.  

At the beginning of last week,  I ordered a spool of elastic for masks.  I wanted it as soon as possible and paid the $17 for expedited shipping speed - and $17 is almost double what the elastic cost.  This elastic is made in the US and is shipping from the US,  and I bought it through Amazon.  Well,  I’m shaking my head as that elastic has still not arrived and looking at the tracking, I’m not sure it has even actually shipped.  I think the seller made a shipping label for it but the package doesn’t seem to of moved.  
Amazon will make good on the waste of shipping money, if it ever does come or will refund my money if it doesn’t arrive by April 30.  
I still want to sew more masks though.   I did find clothesline cording with a Walmart pickup and will try to sew masks made by this method that Laura showed on her blog  here 
link to mask tutorial
It has a different way of putting in one long string that goes behind your neck and then ties on top of your head.  It also seems to be a very quick simple sew.  

Last month my daughter asked me to sew Easter eggs for a mantel garland.
This week she asked me sew these flowers.  They were simple and fun to make 


Disinfecting wipes 
At normal times,  I don’t use disinfecting wipes but now I’d like some and they can’t be found.  My parents wants some too.  
I just watched a YouTube video where  the homemaker poured Lysol and water into a pack of babies wipes and bleach and water into another pack.  Then she was using them to clean her home.  
I like the idea but I know regular bleach breaks down after 24 hours when mixed with anything.   and of course it’s not safe to mix bleach with any other cleanser. 
So I started looking at other advice and saw someone just add a cup of Rubbing Alcohol to pack of baby wipes.  
I have a bunch of baby wipes from a bargain purchase back when we had grandchildren in diapers.  

I like the idea of just using alcohol,  do any of you maybe have a science background and know if they would be effective as a disinfectant?  

And if any of you were going to do the Friday night paint along classes,  it may not happen today as their family has gone camping.  If their internet at the camping place is working, she will host it live on Facebook - Creative Disasters for Beautiful Minds.  
Tonight’s subject is supposed to be a cactus, which is not really my cup of tea.  She did a country church paint along a couple weeks ago and it is on demand on her page.  I’m thinking I’ll play it and paint a church instead of a cactus ๐ŸŒต 

Hope you all fine. 
And we are one day closer to this situation being over- but I have no idea when that will be............
❤️ Rhonda 

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Quarantine update #12 Sink or Swim

check the comments of yesterday's post to see something from Jane of Thrift&Hope

When this quarantine started,  I thought people are either going to thrive or do terrible.  I’m happy that all my children and grandchildren seem to be thriving during their staying at home.  Before the quarantine,  they all had very busy lives with all the adults working, all the children in school all day, after school activities for all the children,  extra things for the adults like church activities, gym time, social events, etc.

Some of them are having major financial changes from being off work, but other than that,  life seems to be very good.  

The farm grandchildren have been fishing, taking care of animals and the oldest learned to backup and park the hay trailer.  

The big city grandchildren have done lots of crafts and lots of cooking 

Both their parents have done lots of cooking.  Their daddy does everything big,  look at that crazy amount of cinnamon rolls! 
When they were cooked,  they dropped off a lot of them on their friend’s porches.  

The in our town grandchildren have been busy with school work, gardening and crafts too.  

All the kids have helped with cooking and the parents have cooked some very nice meals.  

Some of the parents are completely off work.  Some are working at home.  
All seem to be doing more thrifty things than before.  

One showed me picture, instead of paying a very high price for a travel bottle of sanitizer,  they washed out a hotel sample bottle and filled it with sanitizer from a big bottle.  

Andie is 7 and this is what she just told her Mom

I think Andie is very wise.  

Ok, that’s all my bragging for now.  


Monday, April 20, 2020

Quarantine update #11 - a few replies

Good afternoon everyone
Last week was an usually cold week for Oklahoma but the weather forecast for this week is much warmer and drier.  My husband has been getting garden work done and I plan to as well. 
I had a Walmart grocery pickup this morning,  it was a big order and everything was in stock.  I did laugh when I saw my substitutions.   I ordered 8 of the little 2 ounce craft paint bottles at .50 each.  I got 3 of the small bottles but they substituted much bigger size bottles for the other 5 colors.  

I’ll have plenty of paint for the future Friday night paint along classes.  
About the classes,  I have no past painting experience except for water coloring with my grandchildren.  The class really is a follow along process.  If you do what the instructor, Toni, says do,  anyone can have a pretty painting afterward.  

I keep seeing more requests for homesewn masks.  Today, our town’s police department requested masks so they could give them to citizens in need.  
I’ve ordered more elastic and it’s coming this week.   So I need to start cutting out and sewing more masks,  
Never did I think home seamstresses would be called upon to sew face masks.  
This shelter at home/quarantine/pandemic just seems like a bad dream that won’t end.  

About Walmart grocery pick up,  Walmart seems to have some of the hard to find items in stock in the stores but they are not always listed on the shopping app.  It does seem to be getting better.  
If I needed a hard to find item,  I would go to Walmart very close to their opening time in the morning.  The stores in our area are stocking at night.  So it seems first thing in the morning  would be the best time to see the shelves well stocked.  

Also about Walmart,  I know lots of people think Walmart is the worst store ever.  I’m not wanting to debate it.   I like Walmart though and I think it a geographic thing.  Walmarts began in Arkansas, less than 2 hours away from our town .  Their big headquarters is still there.  
It seems from my blog reading,  that the closer you live to Arkansas,  the better you think of Walmart.  And people that live many states away from Walmart, don’t like them one bit. 

About Jane and her closing her Hope and Thrift blog,  I’m sorry she did but I’m guessing she just got too many negative comments.  When you go to her blog’s address,  it says the blog is only open to invited guests.  That seems to the standard blogspot message when someone makes their blog private only to the author but doesn’t delete their blog.   Since her blog is not deleted,  she may change her mind and open it back up in the future but that is Jane’s choice.  She needs to do what works for her.  
I’m hoping she will change her mind.  She has lots of valuable information about living in difficult circumstances and making the most of what you have.  
I don’t have access to her blog.  

This above meme is not for the majority of my readers but for the commenters who contributed to Jane’s decision to close her blog.   
Why people think it is good to leave mean and unhelpful comments, I just don’t know.  I personally don’t have time to go around leaving insults and "advice" on social media like so many trolls seem to.  

I like to blog just to cyber visit with you all, especially homemakers and to learn or be inspired by what you all are doing.  


That’s all the negative talk from me,  I’ll be back with just homemaking talk tomorrow 

Hope you are well
❤️ Rhonda 


Friday, April 17, 2020

Quarantine Update #10 - a paint along class

Have y’all heard of the painting classes people used to do when we could gather in groups?  I think the ones in our area are called Wine and Pallet.  Anyway,  I’ve never done one of the actual classes.  A person I really know is hosting free paint along classes on Facebook while we’re all at home.  So this was a good opportunity to try a class and do something different.  
I’ve done almost nothing today so when 7 p.m, rolled around,  I found some paints and joined in.  
If you want to do one,  you can watch live on Fridays or the past classes are on demand on Facebook under "Creative Disasters for Beautiful Minds” 

Above is the painting done by the original artist 

Above is where I set up to start- and all those groceries and kitchen things that were on this table in my last post have been put away ๐Ÿ˜€

My finished painting 
It was fun to do and my assortment of old craft paints worked fine but I want to get a small fine brush if I do another one.   Toni is the teacher and she explained mixing colors and the techniques in a clear, fun way.  


Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Quarantine update #9 - because I may be a bit crazy ๐Ÿ˜œ

This week, I planned to redo the shelf paper and declutter and deep clean my kitchen.  I started it yesterday evening.  
Then I got frustrated with Walmart grocery pickup because so many items (and items I’m wanting) are not listed on their app.  
So I left this morning with my mask and gloves and sanitizer and went to a Neighborhood Walmart. - yes, Right in the middle of a strewn out kitchen! 
I could tell by the parking lot it wasn’t too busy.  I was able to go right in,  no line to stand in to enter, and did my shopping.  
I wasn’t looking to buy meat and it’s a good thing as the meat counter was almost empty.  So was canned soup.  
But I did find dry beans, rice, cereal, bread, toilet paper, flour, sugar, rubbing alcohol- all things that I haven’t bought in a month because I’ve done all my grocery shopping on Walmart pickup but those things couldn’t be bought there.  
On some items like flour and toilet paper, it asked customers to only buy 1.  
Many customers wore masks and gloves though they are not mandatory in Oklahoma.  
Every shopper I saw was just a single shopper,  no families hanging out together as they shopped.  Everyone was keeping their distance from each other too.  

And yes,  I took all shopping precautions as suggested by the medical people in the know.  

Below is my kitchen- torn apart 

And the dining table covered with kitchen stuff and today’s groceries.  

I don’t think I’ll get done today,  but hopefully it will be done tomorrow.  But who knows? 

Nobody is coming over so those piles can wait.  

Are y’all doing similar projects? 

❤️ Rhonda 

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Quarantine update #8

Well, today was even less exciting than yesterday but I’m going to blog about it anyway.  
I did not accomplish much at all.  
Lowe’s delivered the pavers we ordered to put in our garden around the raised beds.  We were so glad the Lowe’s driver had a nifty fork lift and put the pallets in our backyard.  There is an empty field behind our house and he drove the forklift through it right into our back gate.  

Our son came over for a distanced visit and brought us some plants.  He bought the coleus at a school sale and he started the spider plants from baby ones on a big plant at his office.  I sent him home with some of those big cookies I made Sunday.  

Supper was simple -
Fried steak, Ore Ida fries cooked in an air fryer and California vegetables.  
And ketchup 

Our daughter and 3 grands came over for a short, distanced visit.  I sent them home with the rest of those cookies.  And masks, just in case they need them but they are staying home.  Our son in law teaches at a university and is teaching online.  The school has already announced all summer sessions will also be online.  

My big job today was starting to deep clean, declutter and rearrange my kitchen.  I didn’t take a before photo but I will show finished photos- whenever that is ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿป‍♀️

Somedays lots gets done,  somedays it doesn’t.  

Hope you’re all fine
Now I’m going to have some hot tea and play a few rounds of Candy Crush Soda.  

❤️ Rhonda 

Monday, April 13, 2020

Quarantine update #7 a productive Monday

I usually make a weekly to do list on Monday.  My husband helped and we got so much done today 

I finished sewing all the masks I had started  - some people prefer the elastic loops around the ears and some prefer the ties 

I recently replaced my husband’s white t shirts and I cut up the old ones for shop rags.  

Ducky is feeling a bit frisky because he went to the doggie spa and got a shampoo and manicure.  
Sometimes I bathe him at home but he smells fresher and smells fresher longer when the dog kennel groomers clean him than when I do.  
Can you tell he looks especially fluffy?  

Today had no excitement but I’m glad so much is out of the way. 
Hope you all feel as happy as Ducky 
❤️ Rhonda 

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Quarantine update #6

Hello everyone 

I baked some cookies from a recipe from Anna at 
Cookie Madness Doubletree Cookies recipe
They turned out really good - so good that after we ate a few, we put the rest in the freezer so we didn’t keep eating them.  

Late in the afternoon,  I picked up a Walmart grocery order.  I’m a huge fan of Walmart pickup.  
Just place your order and wait for the time slot you choose. 
Then drive to the store 

Walmart workers bring out your order and load it in your vehicle.  

Then go home and put your groceries away. 

You can order non grocery things too- I got paper clips, sewing scissors and deodorant today.
And yes, I do like to buy things in pairs or multiples ๐Ÿ˜€

Pickup is so nice during this quarantine and I really was thankful for it too when my hamstring was torn.  

My parents have been secured in their retirement home for quite awhile, no visitors allowed.  
When they need things,  we sometimes send up small loads in a bucket that my Dad pulls up to their balcony.

There is a nice stretch of lawn there and sometimes their great grands visit and do all kinds of kid tricks in the grass.  

We’re expecting 3 days of cold weather and we already have tomatoes, peppers, lettuce and potatoes in the garden.  
We covered up the tomatoes and peppers and are hoping they are protected enough.  
We think the other crops will be ok.  
Guess we shouldn’t of jumped the gun on gardening - we will see! 

Hope you all have had a special Easter. 

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Quarantine Update #5 - getting ready for Easter

Hello everyone 
Not much news here except a few food happenings 
I followed these instructions and made 
Fruit Turnovers. No glaze on ours though,  I don’t think it’s needed 

Since it will just be 2 of us for Easter lunch,  I made a tiny batch of “double eggs”. I usually make 2 dozen eggs for family gatherings 
The plain eggs will be for lunches next week 

Friday night we had homemade pizza.  I baked it on a pan I got from Amazon awhile back and it was really crispy.  
And the bottom crust baked in a polka dot pattern ๐Ÿ˜€


I finished more masks ๐Ÿ˜ท. And cut out 10 more.  When I finish them,  I plan to sew something different than masks though.  

And took my parents, who are safe and secure in their retirement home, a small care package- leftovers, newspapers, masks, and trash bags that are not available right now on our Walmart grocery pickup.  

Kim at Out My Window  asked for the recipe for the sirloin tips I cooked this week.  Sorry Kim, it’s not an actual recipe,  I just winged it but they were very good. 
I browned some sliced mushrooms from the freezer and some diced onions, then removed them from the pan.
In that same pan,  I browned the sirloin cubes just until done in 2 batches, and removed them from the pan. 
Again in that same pan, I made a packet of brown gravy mix (2 cups worth) 
When the gravy was bubbly,  I added back the meat, onions and mushrooms and simmered it  a bit.  
We ate it on top of mashed potatoes and it would be good with rice or egg noodles too.  

What are you all thinking about this quarantine-shelter at home situation?  
When do y’all think it will be over?