If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Hummingbird feeder and Dollar General event

First Nature Hummingbird Feeder, 16 oz

I had a question about this hummingbird feeder. I bought two of them from Walmart. They are not the sturdiest feeders ever but they do the job. They also come apart for easy cleaning.
If I need more, I would re-buy this same kind.  

On my Dollar General app, and I saw these high value coupons. 
Two of them are only good this coming Saturday, September 2

I looked on Instagram for some of the people who show deals at dollar general. One of them said Don’t click both the $10/$40 and the $5/$25.  
She said the smaller one of them subtracts first and probably would not take off the bigger one.  

Dollar General has lots of digital coupons for P&G products Charmin- Febreeze-Tide-Downy etc 

I’ve looked over the digital coupons and I’m hoping to buy $40 of P&G and use both the $10 coupons as well as some individual product coupons.  How it will work remains to be seen.  Coupon deals are tricky but I’m going to try.  
And I want to let y’all know in case you want to try to them too.  

If you want more detailed advice, do a search on IG or YouTube for Dollar General deals.  There are a number of experts who share deals much more detailed than I do.  

❤️ Rhonda 

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Recap of a hot week

Good morning everyone

I’m still liking Kroger delivery.
This week, I really only needed fresh things and Kroger had deals on all of it 
I pretty much only buy things that are on sale, are Free-Bees  or have coupons though 
The milk was a very good price.  I poured a little off the extra ones into a small pitcher and froze them. 
The energy drink was a Free-Bee and I imagine one of our grown children might want it 

I refilled the hummingbird feeders with homemade nectar
Country Living magazine says to bring 4 cups of water to a boil and add 1 cup of sugar.  
I keep the extra nectar in a glass jar in the fridge. 
 My husband saw it and  asked if I was making moonshine ๐Ÿ˜Š

We don’t garden much these days but we do have some bush green beans planted for fall in this narrow raised bed along the east side of our house. 
Bush green beans are easy- they don’t need any climbing support 

As I’ve already mentioned, it’s been so hot here so we ate out several times this week because it’s especially hot in our kitchen. 
This was the funnest meal out, shared with 2 grandsons 

Jackson is 8 and a 3rd grader,  JJ is 10 and a 5th grader.  

Our weather forecast for next week is cooler and I’m so thankful! 

Hope you all have a great week

Friday, August 25, 2023

Branson Missouri USA

Hello again 
If your wondering what a Branson music is like,  this theater puts a new one every week on YouTube 
It’s short though but very good.  Other Branson shows tend to run 2 hours 

For lots of Branson tips,  join the Facebook group called Branson on a Budget. 

If you’re planning a Branson vacation, check a Branson calendar before hand
Branson tends to run very cyclical. Many things are closed from New Year’s day until about spring break.
Summer theaters shut down two weeks at the end of August.
Hotel rates are also hirer during high traffic months

We have stayed at Branson hotels and two different condos, routed through Verbo
Our favorite place to stay is the French quarter condos

I have written a number of post about our Branson vacations. To find them, just type Branson into my search box on the right hand side to see them

I had a much longer post written out, but it disappeared before I could publish it ๐Ÿ™

❤️ Rhonda 

Monday, August 21, 2023

Good morning ๐ŸŒž

Good Monday morning everyone 
I got a lot of rest this weekend and I’m feeling good this morning.
 Even still,  this just written to-do list is much shorter than my usual lists but is more realistic of what I might actually accomplish 

Over the weekend,  I had 40 pounds of Colorado peaches to deal with.  
I peeled the ones for a relative and froze them in bags. 
At home,  I blanched ours and that was the best way.  The peels almost fell off.  
My husband helped and we sliced and froze ours too.  

The peaches are delicious but not the quality we are used to from this farm- but I understand peach crops most everywhere have not been good this year.  

Our summer started out both wetter and cooler that usual but…… it’s going out with a bang!  

So my plan today is to get some much needed housework done- especially our tile floors this morning.  
Then I’ll sit and read or sew once it gets really hot this afternoon 

Hope you all have a great Monday 

❤️ Rhonda 

PS. I will do a requested post about Branson soon 

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Hello and it may be awhile …..

Good morning 
If you look close in this photo, you can see our 4th nesting robin of this spring/summer and a hummingbird at the feeder.  
I don’t know if it’s the same robin pair raising all these baby robins.  But it really is our 4th nest with the parent birds that do such a good job raising very needy baby birds. 

The robins and hummingbirds are both entertaining 

Anyway,  I want to blog but I usually blog about homemaking things.
But for several reasons,  my summer homemaking has been nothing but the bare minimum.  
My husband and I are both dealing with manageable health conditions and are very thankful for good medical care.  
Another family member has been hospitalized for a week and another family member has dementia.  

I’ll be back when I can 
❤️ Rhonda