If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Monday, April 26, 2021

BEDA #28

Sorry about the gap in posts- we’ve had some busy days and this week looks to have a few busy days too. Anyway today,  I show some of the things we’ve been up to 

It’s baseball season here and 4 of the grandsons are playing on different age kid teams. 
It was so much fun seeing 2 of the grandsons play each other this week.  
And “Just yesterday” they looked like the photo on the right.  

Last week I did a grocery pickup - here is the pantry and fridge stuff,  the frozen things were already put  away 
The watermelon was a dud and the 3 boxes of honey buns are for my 89 year old dad.

This weekend,  we had a 5 cousin sleepover.  
For us,  having the Covid vaccines and having very low Covid rates in our state has meant we can go back to more normal lives and it’s wonderful! 
Then on Sunday morning, my parents and brother joined us for breakfast 

I didn’t get a photo of everyone at the same time but there were 11 here and we all ate at this big table.  

I served  a big breakfast and everyone enjoyed it.  The only leftover leftovers were a couple of biscuits and sausage patties. 
When I cook for a group with 5 grands buzzing around the kitchen - I take advantage of easy to prepare things, 

They are not the thriftiest options but they all cook up quickly and taste very good. 

I did a little sewing last week- 4 quirky potholders and I have more cut out to sew. 

Our son has been cooking competitively and cooked this weekend in a steak cook off up north.
He won 1st in Steak and 1st and 2nd in Boozy drinks ๐Ÿ˜ณ
Aren’t those crazy and way over the top? 

Well- I need to be working on my to-do list right now. 
Hope you’re all having a wondertful Monday 
Bye from Windy Oklahoma  ๐Ÿ’จ 


Wednesday, April 21, 2021

BEDA #21

Hello everyone 
The cold weather did no damage to our plants, as far as I can tell 

Lots of promising buds on the strawberry plants 
And on the blackberry bushes 
And on the peonies 

The worst part was folding up all the assorted sheets and dropcloths that we use to cover plants from cold weather 
 (because my husband seems to plant too early every year) 
No, we didn’t steal these milk crates.   Way back when I cooked at a fraternity house, the milk was delivered and left in these crates.  
The 100 or so frat boys went through a lot of milk and the milkman delivered the milk but he refused to pick up the empty crates.  
The milk crates stacked up so I eventually told the boys to take crates as they wanted and I brought some crates  home.  
Crazy I know but it’s a true story.  

I baked the cookie dough from yesterday and bagged them up for Physical Therapists.
  Because of Covid,  I bagged them all individually and then into another bag.  

With the rest of the dough,  I made cookie balls and froze them on a tray so they won’t stick together when I put them in a storage bag.
Now I can easily bake some cookies - my grandchildren love fresh cookies ๐Ÿช❤️

I’m reading a funny book - 
The Mystery Sisters Volume 1
It’s a cozy mystery about 4 senior citizen sisters.   It’s not deep or fine literature but it is entertaining.  

Good evening everyone 

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

BEDA #20 Freeze warning, Nashville Hot chicken and etc

Hello everyone
Crazy weather has us expecting a freeze tonight but thankfully it won’t be a long hard freeze. 
We have garden plants in the grown,  flowers about to bloom and our strawberry plants and berry bushes are loaded with blooms 
So,  we’ve covered everything with old sheets and such- and are hoping for the

I made a few changes 

I decreased the red pepper to 1/2 t and it was plenty hot. 
I omitted the salt and subbed onion powder for the garlic.  

This is a recipe I will keep.  They tasted great and cooked up fast.  
We had oven roasted veggies with the chicken - and I guess I was really hungry for veggies ๐Ÿ˜ณ

My husband goes to physical therapy and has 3 therapists. 2 are expecting and he says they talks about cookies all the time.  
He asked me to make them some so I mixed up a batch of chocolate chip oatmeal cookie dough.  I will bake them just before he goes to therapy next. 
I used mini chocolate chips is why the dough looks so loaded.  

More Parsimony asked which salad shooter I recommend.  
Well. It just depends. 
The smaller one takes up almost no room so if you’re short on storage space,  it is ideal. 
However the smaller salad shooter has a smaller feed tube than the bigger one.  So if your doing potatoes or cabbage,  they have to be cut small to get them to fit in the tube. 
If you know how  big a 8 ounce  stick of Cracker Barrel cheese - then that will tell you how big the feed tube is on the small one.  
Potatos and wedges of cabbage would be much easier in the bigger one but they will still work in the small one, as long as they are cut to fit.  
Both Salad Shooters slice and shred food quickly and easily. 
I think I said yesterday that I wish I had a bigger one and will be looking for a bigger one at a good price.   I do cook a lot and people who cook less may prefer the smaller one.  

My daughter has a small salad shooter and I think she uses it only to grate carrots for carrot cake.  

Hope all info helps! 

About celebrity cookbooks,  my son has a Chrissy Tiegan book and he said her biscuit recipe was really good.  
I’ve made 3 recipes from the Joanna Gaines book and they’ve all been good.  I do think she knows how to cook.  Her recipes are just not the type of recipes I prefer to cook.  

❤️ Rhonda 

Monday, April 19, 2021

BEDA #19 To Do list and Replies

Sorry about no blog yesterday.  We were away from home much of the day. 
Today I’m at home and working my way through  new To-Do list. 
So far,  I’m on load #5 of laundry and have a couple more after these.  Why so much?  Bedding, towels to dry off Ducky after his at home bath, grands here over the weekend and then just our regular clothes and linens. 

I’m not planning any meals for a few days, until we use the yummy leftovers from the weekend.  

Next I’m going to answer some of your comment questions.  

The electric receptacle in that cabinet is for the stove vent hood.  

About this cookbook- it’s fun to read but after reading it,  I would not re-buy it.  Most the recipes are much heavier than I normally prepare- meaning I think she uses lots of butter and heavy additions.  

About the Salad Shooter,  this is my 3rd salad shooter.  I got my first one when my children were young.  
The first one was the small one and my second one was the bigger model.  I currently have the small one.  
If I wear this one out,  I will replace it with the bigger one.  
I use it mostly for grating carrots and cheese and also for slicing potatos and shredding cabbage for cole slaw.  
The prices I see on Amazon today  seem really high -if you don’t know,  Amazon prices fluctuate almost daily.  
I’ve seen salad shooters on EBay and Mercari. Yard sale season will be starting and I expect they can be found at some sales too.  

Thank you for all the YouTube channel suggestions.  I’ll be looking them all up. 
And I plan to link them a post here soon.  
I watch YouTube mostly when I ride a stationary bike or folding laundry and sometimes while cooking.  


Saturday, April 17, 2021

BEDA #17 Saturday with some grands

Hello everyone 
I made pancakes as requested and used a recipe by Joanna Gaines 
They were good.  I cut back the butter from 10 tablespoons to 8 tablespoons- which is still a lot of butter for a recipe this size.  

The kids worked jigsaw puzzles,  made Perler bead creations and Lego creations 

I read aloud this library book and it’s such a good book.  It’s a true story about a family with 12 sons who made their own baseball team,  

I enjoyed the old-fashioned style of the drawings 

If you know some young baseball fans,  I think they would like this book as much as we did.  

Lunch was frozen pizzas and this is our favorite frozen pizza-  they are deep dish with lots of toppings,  they cook in their own pan so there is no mess in the oven. 
I buy them at Walmart and they come in several flavors 

Then supper was cube steaks, mashed potatos, rolls, carrots and strawberries.  

That’s the highlights of our day
Hope you’ve all had a nice Saturday 

❤️ Rhonda 

Friday, April 16, 2021

BEDA #16 - the day in photos

Hello everyone 
This was a busy day 
After I exercised and read my Bible- I cooked breakfast for 2
And had my hot tea

Then I moved on to doing kitchen things
I grated some Asiago and cheddar with the Salad Shooter
I made pimento cheese with part of the cheese 
And put the rest of the plain grated cheddar into smaller containers- I put one in the fridge and froze the others.  

I needed some groceries and because of the busy afternoon ahead, I decided to put in an Aldi Delivery 
I put our wagon outside the front door for the delivery person to load 
Produce and dairy 
2 bags still packed with frozen veggies 

And some junk and staples


I ordered the Aldi groceries at 9:59 a.m and had them all put away by 11:12 a.m.  that’s really quick I think!  
We only live about 5-10 minutes from Aldi but I still think I got really good service.  

In the afternoon,  I took my Dad to do 4 errands.  
Then we picked up 3 grands at school and all went back to my parents for a visit. 
We came home and the grands are spending the night here. 
Grandpa cooked delicious burgers on the grill for supper 

Then we all played some games, watched TV including 2 episodes of Super Book on Amazon Prime.  It was really good! 
Now it’s time to sleep and start all over Saturday morning.

One more thing,  yesterday we picked up our freebie at Lowe’s,  a garden piรฑata.  
It has wildflower seeds inside 

Good night everyone
This grandma is tired ๐Ÿ˜ด ๐Ÿ’ค 

❤️ Rhonda