If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Monday, January 6, 2025

new to do list Monday

good evening everyone 
It’s chilly here,  is it chilly where you are? 

I made a new to do list for this week.  This pen and paper method is just what works for me.  
I like that planner I bought but I know I won’t  keep using.  
does anyone want a very slightly used planner? Go back a few posts to see what it looks like.  It’s a full size printed paperback book, not spiral bound or purse size.   
 I can mail it to someone in the USA requests it 

Supper was easy 
chili from the freezer on baked potatoes 
It was warm and very tasty on a cold day 

Hope you all a pleasant Monday
❤️ Rhonda 


  1. Chili on a baked potato is a great cold night meal.

  2. It is finely warming up here after about 5 days of windchills in the low -40C range. We should be good for a bit now, which is a relief.

    God bless.

  3. Think I'd like your planner. Can I pay the postage if you truly want to gift it?

    1. No need to pay postage, send me your mailing info
      you can either leave another comment with your address but I won’t publish it
      you can email me

      stwoliver3 @ yahoo.com
      just leave out the spaces

  4. I can use that planner. Practical Parsimony

    1. right now the planner is promised but if it falls through, I’ll let you know

  5. I always enjoy reading your to-do list. I’m sorry that your planner did not work out for you. What you have been doing seems to work for you. Your meals always look so good!

  6. We finally got snow on NYE, and again this week. Not much, but it brought the cold. Temps are going to be above freezing again this weekend. The sunshine, when we get some, helps my spirits.

  7. It has been so snowy and cold this month. Yesterday I woke up to -11 with a wind of -21. I am so ready for spring to arrive!


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