If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Monday, March 16, 2015

Monday list

I am up and at 'em this morning, how about you?

My list is just old fashioned notebook paper on a clipboard. 
Designs were made with rubber stamps and colored pencils. 


  1. I love your cute lists! I have lists lists lists. I need to get a lot done this week.
    Have a wonderful week! xxx

  2. Love the embellishments to your list! I have many things on my list today. Number one is tackling the laundry pile. Have a great week!

  3. I haven't done stamping in a long time! Have broke them out a time or two just to maybe do like an envelope or something. I still use pencil and paper. I swear I'm just an old soul.

  4. What a cheerful way to make "to do" lists! If mine was that cute, I might actually be inspired to look at it! :)

  5. I was up early, but am only able to work in small increments as the grandgirl allows. First thing on my list was cleaning out the frig. After a weekend of company, it was a much-needed chore. Hope you have a good week and get a lot done, as well as doing some relaxing!

  6. I love how you do this list every Monday. The decorations are adorable.

  7. Ah! You colored them in! So cute. So, how did the day go? I forgot to even write out a list for today, but I think I got quite a bit done, just not in the house as I wanted to. Got lots of phone calls made that I'd been putting off.

  8. When I looked at your list I thought how artist you are! Then I looked at the art closer and thought they were all too exactly alike, so wondered if they were stamped. Then I scrolled down and got my answer! I am afraid I don't take to make a list like yours, I just scribble things down and then lose the list. LOL Thank you for sharing. If I ever get organized I will try to make lists similar to yours. Maybe I would check it more often.

  9. mmm. I either meant to say what an artist you are, or how artistic you are, but instead my brain deleted some of the words in between and combined the thought so that it doesn't make any sense at all. Maybe it is time for a nap again.

  10. I WONDERED whether or not you doodle these little pictures... I doodle in my different journals... in the corners and along the sides and things.
    I like seeing your lists on the clipboard... makes it so handy!


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