If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Monday, March 14, 2011

this and that March 2011

Since I found new towels last week,  I turned the grungiest of the the old ones into rags.
The hand towels got cut in half and a zig-zag stitch put over the cut to keep it from raveling.
I added a little scrap of trim to the washcloths so they will be easily recognizable as a rag and not get put back with the towels.

I made a simple batch of pineapple preserves - it was simple, easy and tastes good......
but I cooked this batch too long,  it is way to thick (hard) so I will try another batch later

Our son finished law school in December,  took the bar exam in Feb. and will found the results in April.  He studied lots,  stressed a lot,  so to relax a little at home,  he got this tissue flower kit from my craft closet and started making some. 

the kit makes 24 so he has a ways to go- they are really pretty and realistic for just paper.
The local attorney he is working for is keeping him busy,  maybe all 24 will get done, maybe not.
I am trying to make a blouse for me using an old blouse as a pattern - I've been sewing for 40+years but I've never done this.  I'll let you know how it turns out.
I really like the fabric - blue blackberries - fabric designers don't have to be realistic.

I've done a few diaper and wipe deals - I read about the deals at some of the coupon blogs and found some great savings. 
I think I am stocked up, for awhile anyway!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

A sweet card to celebrate a baby that learns to clap

Baby Elizabeth got this cute card in the mail.
It was made by the mother of one of her
mother's good friends.
(I have never met her, she lives in a another town
but I am pretty sure I would like her)

The card says "E learns to clap"
and is full of little hands. 
Isn't it cute? Almost as cute as E herself.