If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Barbecue chicken pizza for our lunch today

a prebaked crust from the freezer

I have been making pizza crusts ahead - just using my regular recipe - then rolling them  out, pricking all over and baking for just 5 minutes.
Then they get wrapped in plastic wrap and put in the freezer.

For a quick meal, just get a crust from the freezer - add toppings - and bake at 450 or so until done,  about 15 minutes.  

today,  we had a barbecue chicken pizza made like a restaurant in my town.
The crust was spread with Head Country barbecue sauce (that is an Oklahoma brand but you can use your favorite)
then add some red onion,  leftover chicken and top with cheese.
I used Monterrey Jack today but usually use Mozzarella.   

then just bake until golden

This was Gavin's plate

I like grapefruit and eat it most every day for lunch.
Gavin likes grapefruit too but Elizabeth has tried it 4 times and always makes a face then spits it out.

Today,  she noticed right off that her plate did not have that grapefruit like Gavin and she pointed at his.  He  gave her the first bite off his plate and I expected her to spit it right out
Nope!  she liked it today and ended up eating 2 helpings of grapefruit.

So,  if you think you or your children don't like some food,
be like Elizabeth and try it again!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Roku Channels

The posts I've done about Roku  have got more hits than anything else on this blog,  I think mostly from potential Roku buyers doing Google searches.  Several commenters have asked what channels are on Roku.
Well, there were hundreds, maybe thousands.
This video is long, about 10 minutes,  so I suggest you only spend time watching it if you are really interested in Roku.

I show some of the channels in this video but there are way too many to even start to show them all.

Questions?  just ask and I will try to answer.