If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

This weeks CVS deals

When I clipped the Sunday coupons and looked at the new ad, I made a CVS list - just in case I had an opportunity to shop there. After being away from home for the hospital stay, I am really happy to stay home and did not know if I would shop there this week. Then one of my husbands prescriptions was switched and CVS called to say the new one was ready, so I did a little bargain shopping on the same trip to get his medicine, 
I had $16 in ECB from previous weeks. 
Everything I bought was on sale. I used 3 small coupons on the 54 rolls of Cottonelle
A scanner coupon to get the paper towels free
A $2/$10 scanner coupon on the Caress as well as 2 $2 coupons. 
A $1 coupon on the deodorant
I spent $14.07 and got a $5 ECB for the next shopping trip.

I'm sure glad I made that list earlier! 

Thrift shopping- online

Shopping is not something I love to do. Lately I have only been brick and mortar shopping for groceries at Aldis, sale things at CVS and just a few other things at Walmart and Joann's. I don't think I have even been in a thrift store in a month.

In October, I bought just a few things online. The first 3 are used books bought on half.com. Books there can often be bought for less than $1 + the $3.99 shipping.
I bought this one because my friend Tammy at My Corner of the Prairie said her grandson likes it so much.  She was right about it being a little boy pleaser. My grandson thinks it is great too. Thank you Tammy and Brad.
We watched a 25 year old home video of my children a few weeks ago. One of our sons had been at kindergarten that day and was trying to recite something about  " a snoring granny and a dreaming child"   In the video, he was thinking so hard to remember all the lines.
I did not know what it was so I googled it and found this book, The Napping House. 
I read it as soon as it came in the mail and I am sure my grands will like it as much as their uncle did. 

I ordered this book as Jilly at Nutmeg and Linen blogged about it. 
Of course I want more elegance, order, beauty and joy, who doesn't?


My very favorite find
My mom made this very same sampler for her sister, my Aunt Bernice. I have wanted one and have been looking on EBay and Etsy for years. I finally found a kit, still in its factory package and it appears to be in perfect condition, on EBay just before we went to the hospital.
I'll be stitching on this later today- I need to get out some hoops and embroidery hoops first, and I may need to finish off the edges of the linen before I stitch too.  The stitching part is pretty simple.  
It is the verse that I think is so special 

“Overheard in an Orchard"
Said the robin to the sparrow,
“I should really like to know,
Why these anxious human beings
Rush about and worry so.”
Said the sparrow to the robin,
“Friend I think that it must be,
That they have no Heavenly Father,
Such as cares for you and me.”      ―by  Elizabeth Cheney in 1859