If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Where are transfats?

Did you watch any news this week? I did and I saw so many stories about the banning of transfats, how nobody should be eating them ever, etc.
it was rather alarming listening to them.
So, I straightened up my pantry and went on a hunt there for the transfats.
  I think we eat more healthy food than unhealthy food, even so, our pantry had about 3 kinds of store bought cookies, chips, assorted crackers, assorted Helper mixes, Spam, Crisco shortening, microwave popcorn, stone canned soups, granola type bars, cereals.....

Guess what? I found ZERO products with transfats in our pantry. 

Do any of you know of any specific foods that still contain transfats? besides the transfats that naturally are in meats?  I am just wondering.  

When I straightened the pantry, I found a nice assortment of nuts. I set them out on the counter, a sort of snack station, for my husband to get some extra protein while he continues to heal. 
I did not make the patchwork placemat but I am fortunate to have 2 sets of them,
This set with the green borders belonged to my grandmother and I think she made them. I also have a set with red binding that was a wedding gift (33 years ago)  from a very sweet honorary Aunt. 
I have used both sets a lot and some of the bindings are getting worn though. But I am going to keep using them as I like them so much. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Morning doings

I baked a New York Crumb Cake for breakfast, it was delicious and this home smelled so good for awhile. Recipe.  I made just a half recipe today and baked it in a 8 by 8 inch square dish.
But it doesn't smell good anymore! I am using this time without the grand babies here to do some home keeping,
There is vinegar running through both brewers to remove the lime deposits.  That smells pretty strong. 

And since that smells bad, this seemed like a good time to run the self cleaning cycle on the oven. 
The oven was overdue for a cleaning do it may be a few hours before I can turn it off.

It may smell bad for awhile, but I will be happy the clean results from both tasks. 
The laundry is going, I hope to clean the floors and I already cleaned both bathrooms. 

If the smells get to me, I will go outside and do some much needed trimming of the rose bushes and move some bulbs. 

Anyone else cleaning today?