If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2014 Pinterest #1 done!

Paper towel tubes, cut to different lengths, taped to the freezer.
Braeden says it is fun. 
You can't go wrong with pop poms and little bugs. 

51 more to go........

Friday, January 3, 2014

Another good soup with thanks to Lena

Lena writes a really sweet, frugal and helpful blog called On My Side Of The World. She posted this soup recipe recently and I made it yesterday. I had thought we would just have the last of the smoked turkey soil but when I checked, there was only one serving left.
I remembered this soup and it was perfect since I had not thawed any meat for supper.
I like meatless meals best but the rest of my family think meals usually need meat so my husband had the last of the turkey soup and I had this yummy and easy soup.

Cabbage and Bean Soup

I made it just like Lena's recipe except I substituted a pinch of sage and Rosemary for the marjoram and I had to leave out the white beans as we had neither cooked or canned white beans or marjoram.  Next time,  I will add the beans. 

This is a really nice soup, light and made with basic kitchen ingredients. 
chicken broth, carrots, onions, potatoes, cabbage, a little butter, some spices and beans
I will be making this soup again! 

Thank you Lena.