Hello everyone! I didn't mean to stay gone so long. July and August have just been busy. I spent lots of time with my 7 grands. The 2 new babies are so precious and the 2 oldest are now both in public school full time when the new school year started last week and the 3 in the middle are wonderful and keep us all on our toes.
July was also doctor appointment month as I saw my doctor, eye doctor and dentist. I needed a filling, my first in many years, and I needed new glasses. I am glad all my appointments had good results but they sure use a lot of time.
The other big event is my parents just moved to our town into a brand new and beautiful retirement home. They grew up in Oklahoma but have lived in East Texas for more than 50 years. So they are happy to return to Oklahoma and especially happy to be so close now to their grands and great grands. They are still unpacking and decorating but I hope to post some pictures when their apartment is photo-ready.
This is my first pretty to do list after a 3 week break.
The purple polka dot fabric tape is from Dollar Tree. The designs are made with rubber stamps.
I did a little CVS shopping over my blog break but not much. Frankly, we are stocked up on most all drugstore products. But I may go this week for a few things and I will sure blog about them if I do.
Have a good week everyone! I not only didn't blog for the last 3 weeks, I have not read many blogs either, now I hope to catch up with you all.