I sewed up a few bandana style baby bibs last month for the grandson baby. He is quite a prolific drooler so I looked through my fabric and cut out a bunch more last night.
This new batch has flannel on either both or 1 side for absorbency.
I prefer to use buttons to close bibs and the assorted buttons are all from my button jar.
Bandana bibs sew up quickly and don't use much fabric.
There are multiple free bandana bib patterns and tutorials online.
Tip 1 is make some bibs for the babies in your life or for shower gifts.
We were indoors on that day but this 20 pounder was spending a lot of time in the stroller. He was a little sick with teething and a cold, so he didn't want to sleep in the swing. He is just so big that my arms get tired if I carry him as much he would like, so when we need to move from room to room, this little umbrella stroller is perfect.
Babies want to be close to their caregivers so even on his happy days, if I am doing laundry or straightening up our home, I roll whichever baby is here around the house in a little stroller.
The baby likes it and my back really likes it!
Jackson modeling a bandana bib-
I looked through my fabric stash and cut out a stack of bandana bibs for granddaughter Charlie. I'll get them sewed up so I can give them to her Thanksgiving.
Silly Elizabeth in a green apron with a tutu on her head,
Can you guess what she is?