If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Thursday, December 22, 2016

🎄almost Christmas

Hello everyone
I've been away from blogging for a bit because my husband took me to  Branson, Missouri for 5 days to celebrate my birthday.  We had a good time and saw several Christmas shows.  The weather turned bitter cold and it kept us from doing much shopping or sightseeing but it was still a nice, relaxing trip.
This is the only photo I took, looking out our condo's patio door.

Taking a trip so close to Christmas was not the best timing with all that we still need to do.  But the necessary things will get done, one way or another.  
Today, this little guy is with us along with sister and 2 cousins.  

Yep, that's his personality showing there 😃

Yesterday, we did a big shopping trip to the commissary where we usually stock up. 
So last night, I wrote out a to do list. 
A few things I managed before the children arrived

I'll be back to blogging either after Christmas or New Years.  
Merry Christmas everyone  ðŸ˜¬

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Halfway through December

Good morning everyone.  Christmas decorations here are very simple, partly because it just appeals to me and partly because our two 1 1/2 year old grandchildren are very busy, if you know what I mean 😱

Our table top tree is decorated with lots of clear light and the Chrismon ornaments stitched by my mom.  

We had a spur of the moment cousin sleepover this weekend.  I had easy meals on hand to serve but needed some fruit.  
So I made a simple winter fruit salad with ingredients already in our fridge- diced red grapes, clementine sections and an Ambrosia apple sliced very thin.  It was really good too! 

These 4 having supper.  After they ate, each one got a shower and then we moved on to this fun activity.

My daughter sent over a box of  cookie dough play dough she had bought from a fundraiser.  
The grands really had fun making lots of colorful cookies.  
I was amazed how good they tasted.  

While the kiddos made their creations, I put all the clothes they wore to our house in the washer and dryer.  
Then I laid them back out so dressing the next morning was very easy.  I keep clothes here but this was much easier than trying to match up 4 outfits from the toy room closet.  

One trip to CVS after church on Sunday - I used $15 extracarebucks, some CVS app and redbox coupons and 3 manufacturers coupons.  I spent $2.76 for 2 Charmin, 2 granola bars, 1 shave cream and 1 makeup face wipes.  And I got back $5 extracarebucks for my next trip.