If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

live up to my motto day

hello - you all are so sweet and kind to be concerned and offer advice about that nasty stomach bug.
Currently, to the best of my knowledge,  all my family members are virus free and no one else has gotten sick.  So,  I am cautiously optimistic that a most unpleasant situation is over~!

Monday,  I spent most of the day cleaning our home with Lysol and Bleach.  - to obliterate any lingering germs.

Today,  our home wasn't really dirty but it definitely needed some attention,  just lots of things needed put away, etc.  So I wrote out this list and got started

Before in the living room
after- toys put away, blankets straightened, some clutter cleared and the Valentine decorations all packed away  

well - there doesn't seem to be a before in the master bedroom but here is the after- bed made,  clutter dealt with, everything dusted

laundry room before- just little laundry
all laundry done and put away
kitchen- before
after- there were lots of odds and ends on every surface- all put away now!

Pantry- this wasn't on my list but it should of been.  It was messy
after an hour,  the pantry is much better and I found several things I thought we were out of. 

dining room before
dining room- midway- I had time cut out a kimono top for me from an internet tutorial.  Ill let you all know how it turns out after I sew it.  It was very fast to cut out.
I also found a square tablecloth while I was looking for fabric. 

I cut down the table cloth and made a super simple and fast table runner.  I've been wanting to do something for this table for awhile and this project was just the spruce up I was hoping for. 

That's my day.  I did some stuff and stuff got done. 

hope you all are getting stuff done that you want to do too!

Sunday, February 12, 2017

A little sick here, a lot of sick there, sick everywhere

There is a stomach bug going around our area that seems to be visiting almost everyone. Some people are just sick a couple days.  Others are sick for a week.   And after the bug seems to be gone, it sometimes comes back.
All our grands have had it.  Some of their parents have had it.  My dad was so sick, he needed rehydration by IV at the emergency room.  My husband and I had a short-lived bout with it.

Some school districts have closed.

Anyway,  I am really concerned about it and did some research,
These 2 graphics  are from  stopthesromachflu.com

This one really has lots of points that I never thought of.  I had no idea this bug could be contagious so long.  

There are also lots of natural ways to help with this bug on Pinterest.  

I hope none of you are dealing with this but if you are,  some of this might help.  

We had some lemon lime soda, jello, Gatorade, bananas, rice and saltine crackers on hand before we got sick.  We sure appreciated having these things here and not having to ask for help.  I will be restocking those things very soon - just in case! 

No,  I have not been sick the entire time since I last posted, and I will have a more normal post soon.