If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Sunday, May 24, 2015

An introduction and ......

Grand baby #6  Jackson arrived Friday night, just 45 minutes after his parents got to the hospital.  
He looks a lot like his 2 siblings except he has much darker hair.  So far he is a easy, content baby and we are all thrilled to add him to our family.  

This has been a jam-packed year so far.  I've got several home projects I want to do while Jackson's parents are on school break, we'll be having company and of course I want to spend some time with this new baby and with his siblings and cousins on their summer school breaks.
So, I will be taking a blog break for 1 or maybe 2 weeks.   I'll be back sometime in June.......

I hope to get lots done and to relax some too.  And I hope all of you do the same. 

Monday, May 18, 2015

This week's list, CVS, and craft room progress

Good morning everyone,
It was a fun weekend here and now it's time to get this new week organized, well as much as possible as we are still on baby watch.
My lists are notebook paper decorated with rubber stamps and map pencils. 

After coupons on everything, and everything was on sale, and of course a few CVS coupons
$21 spent and I got back $8 in CVS rewards to use next time.  
The Tide was on clearance for $2 and in a cart at the front door of our local CVS.  I only bought as many as I had coupons for. 
The Gold Emblem snacks are various prices and sizes and there are several printable coupons on Coupons.com for $1 on any and $2/ on any 2.
The tea was $3 with a $3 reward for spending $10.  Yesterday's paper had a $.75/2 coupon. 
The paper towels were $5.99 and there was also a coupon in yesterday's paper.  The Ajax dishwashing liquid was $.99 and they were a deal with the towels - spend $15 and get back $5.

These pictures don't really do it justice but I made a lot of progress in the craft room last week.  Everything is pretty much cleaned out and organized.  Now it needs some touch up paint on the walls, a little rearranging and some decorating to make it pretty.  

Hope you all have a very nice week! I'm off to get some stuff done.