If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Saturday, December 26, 2009

getting ready for Christmas 2010

This pretty Christmas card was made by Susan and sent to me in 2008. Nina declared it "the cutest card ever" and it has been on my craft room bulletin board since it came.
Susan used a circle punch to cut out the pictures from old Christmas cards, then she glued them onto a solid bigger circle.
this is the card as I scanned it, it is so much prettier in real life - this scan just does not do it justice.

I am not taking down all our Christmas decorations today but I did take down a few things, including our 2009 cards that were hanging on ribbons in the hall.
I remembered how cute that card from Susan was, so I got out a punch, mine is square with raggedy edges, and punched out lots of squares to make Christmas cards to send next year.

Friday, December 25, 2009

White Christmas.....not a dream though

Oklahoma got a record snowfall yesterday - 14.1 inches. First there was sleet and then all the blowing snow.
We are under a state of emergency with all interstates and major highways closed.

Jeff, Jimmy and Theo and me are all here safe and warm - It is not looking like the rest of the children will make it here for Christmas. So, we will just celebrate what we can now and then as a big group when the weather improves.

Theo was very hesitant to go out but once he did, he had fun and got his business done.

24 inch drift built up by the garage side door

entry way sidewalk

looking out our front door