If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Pyrex and tornados

A number of scary tornadoes went through Oklahoma last night, thankfully we just had wind and rain at our home.
Bobby and Bridgette live where one of the big ones got its start and they have plenty of broken trees to clean up and they lost power for awhile- but no big damage and they are safe.

on to more fun things - like Pyrex.

I did not intend to start a Pyrex collection. I got my big brown and white bowl from my grandparents. Then I added a few pieces from yard sales and Jimmy found a few more pieces at thrift stores. I like using Pyrex so much, that I started hunting it out when we shop.
Yesterday, I decided my Pyrex, and a few pieces of FireKing that look like Pyrex, needed their own cabinet. So I rearranged and ended up with this, minus the few pieces that were in the dishwasher or fridge.

the big aqua bowl on the bottom shelf is my newest Pyrex, it is a Mothers Day gift from Jimmy.

and just so you don't think I have lost my marbles and am wasting too much space on silly dishes that I really do use everyday, Pyrex collecting is popular- here is a Flickr picture of just one of many big-time Pyrex collections.

These pieces all belong to Gracie

I sure hope her shelves are very secure and strong.

Monday, May 10, 2010

More May yard sale finds

There were just a handful of yardsales in my town this weekend. I think with it being Mothers Day and OSU graduation weekend, that caused people to schedule them some other time.
Nina is just 5 weeks away from her delivery date and she wanted to go, so we went.
She did not find much but we found a few things.

2 more Pyrex bowls - $1 each
10 Pyrex custard cups for $2

2 purses and a billfold - brand new, even had the silicon packet still in them - $1 for the batch

2 little chairs for $1 each - but they tip over too easy for Gavin so they will be going into the attic for a few years or in to our giveaway pile

vintage sheets - like new - $1 and $2

2 nice size frames for 25 cents each, the little football is a coin pouch that Jeff picked out

2 hardback books $1 each

free magazines

and remember the outdoor toys we found last week?
Well, Gavin kinda likes them!

linked to Rhoda's Southern Hospitality Thrifty Treasures
Apron Thrift Girl's Thrift Share Monday
Linda's Coastal Charm Tuesday Treasures