If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

want free books?

My hubby and I both got Kindles,  electronic readers from Amazon, around Christmas.  I really like the Kindles,  they are easy to operate and electronic books take up much less space than paper books. 
However,  buying books can really add up. 
Fortunately, Amazon offers many free books for Kindles.  And you don't have to have a Kindle to read them,  Amazon offers the free books in forms that can also be read on fancy phones or any kind of computer. 
Some of the free books are always available, especially the old ones that no longer have copyrights.
The new books that free are often just "free" for a few days.  So I check this list almost daily and get any free books that either hubby or I might like.

Amazon Bestsellers

this link is for the 100 top best selling free books and top best selling books that cost money.  It changes often.  I do look at the reviews and description before I get them. 

If you think there is any chance at all you might get a Kindle,  I would suggest you get an Amazon account and start looking for and "buying" free books like I do.  That way they will be in your account and will go straight to your actual Kindle if you do buy one. 
And if you just want to read some free books,  you can view them on your computer. 

There is usually a wide variety of free books, something for everyone. 
Right now,  Lisa Wingate offers a new free book.   She is an author who graduated from the university in my town and I have read and enjoyed several of her other books. 

I check this free list regularly, and have 177 books on my Kindle right now.  I think I paid money for 4 of them and the rest were all free. 

looking out my front door

The news says this blizzard is affecting much of the U.S. so you may have snow like this too.  We've got about a foot of snow today and the wind is blowing so much that is it making drifts. 
This drift is what is outside our front door!   But if you look close,  you can see bare sidewalk  where the wind has blown the snow somewhere else. 

Most everything is shut down because driving is almost impossible.  My hubby is out in this weather though, he had to go to work.  He drives a big pick-up and has tire chains, warm clothes, etc.    He got to work fine and he said he has had to drive a few places in our town doing his job.  I am hoping he makes it home safely. 

And since we park our vehicles in our garage,  he won't have to go through that snow drift at the front door when he does get home.