If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Pretty Funny Happy Real- July 4th edition

Tomatoes and bell peppers from my dad's backyard garden
Onions from my brother


51 week old grandson with a mouth full of teeth.
he is the happiest little guy and smiles like this most all the time.  
Front door wreath
the blue silk hydrangeas are from the pew decorations at our daughter and son in law's wedding- almost 6 years ago

we are kind of feeling like a chair was kicked out from under us.
We found out Friday that husband's knee replacement will be having another revision done to it.  This makes  for the 9th knee surgery total and the 4th in 4 years.  He needs it done and we are thankful and hopeful his knee will be as right as can be after this surgery,  but it was not news were expecting and it is taking awhile to get used to it. 


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Fun with babies made by their great grandmother


I posted about these sweet crocheted baby dolls more than a year ago.
The 2 oldest grands both have baby siblings and they had so much playing with these yarn babies last week- each crocheted baby has an attached blanket and a bottle in one hand- The grands sat in that chair for a long time taking care of the little babies.

if you want to make one,  my mom's pattern is at the above link.  I've seen other patterns online too.