If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Pinterest 5 in 5 challenge- day 4 -corn dogs from scratch

Corn dogs from scratch
There were 7 adults and 3 little eaters here for supper tonight.I have never made corn dogs from scratch but it sounded like a fun supper. So, after looking at a few recipes online, I settled on this one. 

They are not something I will cook often but they were really good. So good, I don't think any other batter recipe would be better. 

For sides, we had a big green salad and homemade cole slaw. 

My version of corn dogs from scratch
2 cups all purpose flour
2 cups yellow cornmeal
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 t salt
1/4 t black pepper
8 t baking powder
2 cups milk
2 eggs- beaten a little
Stir together the dry ingredients. Then whisk in milk and eggs. Batter will be thick. 

Heat oil to about 360 degrees- I used almost a gallon of vegetable oil in our countertop fryer. I bought the fryer 2 years ago and I think this was the 3rd time we've used it. 

We used 17 Hebrew National kosher beef hot dogs. I cut them in thirds and dried them on paper towels.
For the sticks, I found a pack of 75 flat wood skewers in the craft department of Super Walmart. 

Put a stick in each dry hot dog, then roll in a little plain flour to help the batter stick. Then roll each hot dog in the batter until they are coated. 

Now, deep fry each dipped corn dog. I could do 5 at a time and they took about 3 minutes each.

Drain after cooking- I use paper towels. 

I do not suggest these are for a regular menu plan but for a special family meal or a party, they are yummy. 

Monday, September 30, 2013

Pinterest 5 in 5 -days 2 and 3 ( just a week late)

I tried 2 Pinterest recipes tonight.

As my husband prefers, we started the meal with a big salad. And I was very happy to be able to chew again. 

Supper was an oven meal. These 3 dishes all cooked at the same time and same temperature, the honey oat bread finished up about 15 minutes before the chicken and potatoes.  Whenever I plan a meal that can all cook at one time,  I feel very efficient. but it doesn't always go this smoothly. 
Paprika Roasted Chicken
Scalloped Red Potatoes with Rosemary
Honey Oat Bread  the bread is not a new recipe. I've made it quite a few times and I think it will always be a family favorite
Both recipes are very good. Not sure I will make the potatoes again as my husband and son both prefer cheese with their potatoes. I really liked the sauce so maybe I will just add some cheddar next time. 

Hopefully I can finish up this Pinterest 5 in 5 tomorrow and the next day.  
Anyone else playing along? It's AOK if you are pokey like me :) 

Very happy night for a wonderful couple

I can't believe I have not blogged in a whole week but we have just been busy here. We have company and I've been slowed down with some painful sores that interfere with chewing and talking.

We have had lots of fun this past week and the highlight was the wedding reception for our son Bobby and his bride Sheena. They were married in the summer in a "just them" private ceremony.   This weekend, they had a huge party to celebrate with all their friends and family.

This is a professional photo of the happy couple. There were 2 photographers there from OkiePhoto. One of them was running around them in circles with a sparkler while the other took these fireworks pictures. 
Really cool, isn't it? It really suits their fun personalities too.  

The party was just amazing and they had so many fun things to celebrate from a mountain of food and a   bounce house for the children. 
I really enjoyed the fireworks show, which the bride arranged and kept it a secret surprise for the groom. 

The flying lanterns were really cool too. They had a hundred of them and it was quite a sight to see them floating off in the night sky. 

My son took this photo. Little Elizabeth was so excited with the lanterns as her mom and dad light one. That is my dad, holding his great grandson JJ watching in the background. 

I did not take a camera to the party so none of these photos are my own, thankfully I could borrow them from Facebook.  OkiePhoto does amazing work and I am looking forward to seeing the rest of their great photos. 

Prayers and hopes for Bobby and Sheena, for a very long and happy married life together! 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Breakfast pockets - day 1 of Pinterest 5 in 5 challenge

Breakfast pockets

if you want to see the recipe,  it is on Pinterest and my changes are there too

I started the dough this morning and let it chill all afternoon. Then I made the filling and baked the breakfast pockets after supper. 
We are not hungry after eating supper so I can't tell you yet how they taste but they smell amazing! 

Thank you Carlye for the idea for this challenge!

Pinterest 5 in 5 days challenge and some other doings

Happy Fall Y'all!  I knew fall would be here soon but I don't look at the calendar much and was happy to read on Betsy's blog that fall had for sure arrived.
I bought a couple of mums and a couple of pumpkin type things.  Baby JJ and I found the green things,  I think they are horse apples maybe, growing on a tree behind the pond in our addition our morning walk.
I really like their apple green color and free always makes me happy.
That tonka truck belonged to my sons when they were little and now my grandsons like it just as much as their uncles and dad did.
Carlye Jo is having a Pinterest challenge on her blog,  to make 5 Pinterest pins in 5 days this week.  I love to do stuff and my first one will be some breakfast pockets.  The dough is mixing up in the bread machine as I blog.  The pockets should be quick breakfasts to keep in the freezer.  There is plenty of time to join in with us too.
Speaking of freezers,  I defrosted ours this morning.  The frost on the sides was starting to build up and pushing up on the baskets making it hard to get the door closed all the way.
I also put away some clean laundry that was air drying and straightened up the garage.
I don't usually get so much done when baby JJ is here but he is especially sleepy today.  He must of had a great weekend with his parents and big sister.
JJ likes to hold things while he sleeps and at my house,  he likes a bird potholder.  

Hope you all have a good Monday- whether you like to do stuff like me, or nap like sweet JJ.