If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Monday, October 28, 2013

Scenes from my home

Simple fall decorations
Beer bread baked in a yard sale Pampered Chef stone- the bread tasted good but was way too heavy- I'll look for a better recipe next time
A quilt spread on the living room floor makes for a cozy spot where my grandson likes to play
2 foot tall stack of fabric- a great deal purchased from a local swap and sell list

I've been dealing with yet another cold for the last 10 days or so- my next project is to try to improve my immunities.  
Husband's knee surgery is this week

I'll be back blogging as soon as I can or when I have something interesting to blog about. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Moon Sand - fun but kind of a fail

We tried a moon sand recipe from Pinterest.
8 cups flour and 1 cup baby oil. 
I made 2 batches and mixed-kneaded them in gallon bags until they looked combined. 
I also added liquid food coloring with the oil but it just didn't show up.
The grandsons are having fun with it but it is messy. A change of clothes will be needed when we go inside.  I think only very neat children could play with it in the house. 

It is lots of fun even if it quite messy. 

Gavin tasted it and declared it "skusting" but I think he meant disgusting. 

Next time, I want to try a version that uses corn starch and sand, no oil. 
Have you made any play clays? Advice is welcomed.

My grands are really sweet but they are not neat.