If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Update on the egg shell plants

These were planted about two weeks ago. One side is all cherry tomatos and I mostly only planted one seed in each cup - I don't like thinning out baby plants. 10 of them have sprouts.
The other side is assorted flowers and they sprouted about the same. 

I have an assortment of saved seeds, I am going to replant the unsprouted cups and hope for more plants. 

The reason for no blog posts this week - I have another cold! I've lost count, this is either #6 or #7 of this school year. I am eating right, drinking Emergen-C every day, washing my hands- etc. I don't know what else to do ( not seeing my germ spreading grandchildren is not an option I would choose at this point) 
This current cold is milder and seems to be shorter than any of the others so I am thankful for that. 

I am listening if anyone has advice 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Child size pajama pants from an adult pajama top

My daughter was given pajamas, her mother in law got them as a gift but didn't like them. My daughter liked just the pants to wear for lounging. Her daughter likes the pants too and asked for some just like them.
Since she has seen me  repair, alter  and hack so many other things, she brought me the shirt and a pair of the current size pajama pants for my granddaughter.  She asked if I could make a little pair of pants from them.
I turned the pants inside out to use the seam line for my cutting guide.
It wouldn't fit quite this way, so I turned it around and that way was fine. 
The outside of the leg along the middle of the shirt, the crotch at the sleeve seam and the waist along the top of the shirt.
It fit perfectly and saved me lots of sewing to just use the shirt hem as the pajama pants hem.
Close up of the reused hem line.
The fabric was a new type to me, it looks like satin on the front side and the wrong side is brushed, almost like flannel.,
The finished pants- the pocket is a little crooked but that is just where it ended up. I don't think a 3 year old will care one bit.
Close up of the fabric -this would be a good I spy quilt fabric except it is not cotton. 

In case you are wondering, the top was a ladies size large and the pants are a 5 T. 

It just took about 15-20 minutes to make these. I cut them out on the dining table while baby grandson ate his finger food lunch, then I put him in the bounce seat while I sewed. 

Have you altered or hacked anything like this lately?