If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

List update, today's shopping, and my 5 little ones

I posted my list yesterday and you all had some nice comments and some funny comments too- thank you!
I worked hard yesterday and surprised myself getting so much of the list done.
One year old JJ was here but he was so tired from the busy weekend that he took 2 long naps. That gave me lots of work time. He sat happily in his stroller with some toys while I worked in the front yard. 

Grandson Braeden is with me today. 
We did just a couple errands this morning. 
We stopped at Dollar Tree and got these
The Airborne is their item of the week. I don't like to swallow pills, especially big vitamin pills. This Airborne has lots of vitamins in it and will be easier to swallow. 

The next stop was my favorite  thrift store. Sorry, no amazing furniture finds today........
There were 19 of us here Easter Eve. I decided we needed to add some forks to our kitchen and was happy to find these - All 11 for $1.
Shorts for the youngest grandsons. Some were 50 cents, some were $1.

Little boy shirts
A 3 yard length of a heavy cotton knit for $3 - I think it could sew up to a great summer top

We had a very fun Easter Eve. The grands like hunting and dyeing eggs but after supper, they seemed to like playing with play dough the best.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday morning list

Good morning everyone

I like lists, they keep me on track. Here is what I need to get done and hope to get done this week. 
I could write more but my paper is full and realistically, I don't think I could get more done anyway. 

Hope you all have a good week and gets lots done. 

Anyone else writing out their to-do list this morning?

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter 51 years ago......

The first little girl in this photo is me. The boys are my older brothers. 
We were all outside playing that Sunday afternoon.

Happy Easter everyone. 
Take some photos to remember it.