If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Spur of the moment yard sale

We were out early this morning as we took the oldest grandson home after a sleepover here.
I had not planned to yard sale, but as we got home, we saw 2 sales right in our neighborhood.
The first sale had so much nice stuff and at very good prices. I considered buying lots of things but decided to just get what we needed.
This heavy patio set was $50. It needs a new paint job but other than that, it is perfect. It is very sturdy and should survive our harsh weather.  There is a hole in the center of the table to hold a big umbrella.

It came with 5 chairs, 2 are rockers and 3 are regular chairs.
We are really happy to get this. We've looked at new patio sets but they seem to be not sturdy, or too fancy or expensive or not strong enough for the Oklahoma weather. 

I also picked out a few play clothes for the oldest grandson. They were 50 cents each.

I was in Walmart yesterday and checked out the $1 rack that is still in the action aisle beside the shoe department. It was full of knit leggings in very bright colors - all seemed to be for babies size 0-3 months and junior girls size 0-2.  It was nothing we needed but I will keep checking that rack when I go to Walmart. 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Recent bargains

This bargain is about as good as bargains get.
I rarely shop at Walmart but it has been so hot and I had a short list with coupons so I went to Walmart to get everything and not make multiple stops. 

I walked through the shoe department just as they were doing some major shoe clearances.
These are all little boy shoes, sizes 7 through 12. They were all discounted to $1 a pair! 
It looks like lots of shoes but we have 3 young grandsons and there were many more pairs of shoes on clearance.

I also got 3 bags of socks and 1 pack of little girl undies - these were bags that had been ripped open- they were discounted to $1 as well.

The black socks bags held the full amount but the girl socks and undies were missing a few- I am not complaining though - $1 is an amazing price, complete bag or not. 

My daughter and I have both been back to Walmart, hoping to be there if and when little girl shoes get marked down to $1. We saw the men's and women's clearances and my daughter and I each got one pair of walking type shoes for ourselves. 
No success yet on shoes for the granddaughters but I'll let you know if we score. 

Have you found any great sales this month?