If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Today's Chinese Proverb:

Talk doesn't cook rice.

just another way of saying, if you do stuff, stuff gets done.

this guy in the middle of the first photo, stirring the huge pot of rice, reminds me of when I cooked for a fraternity - I seemed to always be cooking huge amounts of stuff surrounded by lots of boys eating like locusts.

photos are from Flickr


  1. and then they always disappear when it comes time to clean up right? Gee, I think that I live in a fraternity right now!

  2. You said, "I seemed to always be cooking huge amounts of stuff surrounded by lots of boys eating like locusts."....haha...that could be an epitaph for my tombstone! LOL!

  3. So true! Ah, you are very wise, grasshopper. :)


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