If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Saturday, December 31, 2016

The last day on 2016

Hello everyone, 
All the Christmas decorations have been packed up and stored away for next year. 
But we didn't take down our 4 foot tree.  It is now decorated with winter themed things.  Come February, we will switch it to heart decorations. 
Mostly we enjoy the twinkle lights early in the morning or in the evening.  

every New Years, we display this New Years baby statue that I bought at a thrift store years ago. 
Last year I thought the statue resembled our grandson but this year, as JJ has grown, I think JJ and the statue are almost twins,  ๐Ÿ˜

I'm so glad I bought that funny little boy statue years ago but I never dreamed he looked like my future grandchild,  

From the new meal plan, for last nights supper we had "pork chop and potato casserole" from Allrecipes.com, with green beans, green salad and rolls left from Christmas.  

Grandsons Braeden and Gavin were here for this meal.  

Tonight's supper was soft beef tacos.  I cooked about 4.5 pounds of ground beef and seasoned it all with homemade taco seasoning,  Thr extra went in the freezer in meal size containers for future meals, especially when we need something in a hurry.  

The Oklahoma sunset was especially pink and pretty last night.  

We have a new calendar but it didn't have holes for  hanging in the top.  So I added a binder clip and that should hold it just fine.

I am sure blessed with cute grandchildren ❤️

Happy 2017 everyone.  


  1. All your grands that I have seen pictures of are beautiful children. Happy New Year!

  2. You certainly are blessed, Rhonda! And so fortunate that the grands live close enough to have a wonderful relationship with them. That was so cute that your grandson looks like the statue. Your heart must have known it. I love twinkle lights too. We have an old orchard ladder suspended from our ceiling with grapevines and twinkle lights, that we keep lit all year. Happy New Year!


  3. Oh my, what a hoot. The Grandson and New Year's boy do look almost exactly alike. What a fun story.

  4. You do have cute grandkids. I can't believe the how much the statue and your grandson look resemble. Wow.

  5. Looks a beautiful meal with your grandkids. Happy New Year!

  6. I love how much that ornaments looks like your grandson! That calendar is sure special and I'm sure that seeing the pictures of your grandkids each month will bring smiles to your faces all year long. :)

  7. What beautiful grandchildren!
    And yes...your statue looks exactly like your grandson!
    Many blessings for a happy New Year. : )

  8. The sunset is beautiful, and of course so are your grandchildren. I enjoy your posts and look forward to seeing what the New Year brings for you and your family. Happy 2017! May it be a happy year, full of wonderful blessings.

  9. I do agree that you have the cutest grandchildren!


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