If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Fall challenge progress and a few other things

Good evening everyone.
Most of my work has been in the kitchen this week and I’m so happy with the results.  
I didn’t take photos of everything but here are a few 

Gadget drawer- before, it was so unorganized that it was hard to open and close


Under the sink Before ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

After - I didn’t have any shelf paper so I used part of a checked vinyl tablecloth that I previously cut down to fit the table holding plants in the breakfast nook.  

Our tiny, pitiful garden has decided to produce lots of peppers. 
I diced a dozen or so bell peppers to freeze.  

Then I pickled some crazy hot tiny peppers and sweetened jalapeรฑo peppers.  

I browsed awhile at Dollar Tree.  
I did not buy these black roses embellished with eyeballs and spiders.  

I did buy these M&Ms but I don’t recommend them at all.  

Oh, here’s my fall challenge list- more things done but a few things still waiting....... but housework is patient and is always waiting to be done, right? 

Thank you for stopping by 


  1. You got a lot done and are nearly ready for fall!

  2. It's always fun to see what you're up to in your kitchen and with your organization, etc. Doesn't it feel good to straighten out your cabinets or a utensil drawer? I'm glad you passed on those black roses, lol.

    1. Yes, I smile every time I open a space that is redone.
      I wish I’d left the M&Ms there, they are white chocolate with an odd, Off-tasting cinnamon taste. Oh well, I have no doubt some grands will eat them.

  3. Since I lost all my kitchen utensils, even the messy drawer looks beautiful. I used a tablecloth I cut down for other things this spring.

  4. Girl you've been busy. Congratulations on your progress.
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  5. LOL on the black spider roses. I wouldn't have bought those either. You've been busy and the buffalo check under your sink looks great.

  6. Great idea to use that tablecloth for under the sink. Nice catchy pattern too.

  7. Wow! You have accomplished a lot. I love that you used that tablecloth under the sink. Your kitchen drawer looks wonderful.

  8. You have inspired me to look at my kitchen drawers, but right now every thing is such a mess and the littles are here so.....

  9. Great job on your organizing. I'm weird--I love black roses, but the eyeballs and spiders can be left off, thank you! I would ever have thought of using a tablecloth cut to fit--genius.

  10. Hey there! It's been a while since I've blogged or even read a blog but I remember why I like your blog. I always feel so motivated after reading your blog. BTW, I just cleaned out my utensil drawer and under the sink right before I read this. Funny!


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