If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

No time for blogging

Hello blog friends,
I had this blog set to private for awhile because of some traffic from sources I don’t trust.
And also just because life is busy right with normal stuff and with family members with some health conditions.

I have no interesting photos of anything I’ve done lately but I did take photos of my mom‘s  latest crochet creations and they are all very cute.  The pattern books she used are also shown but they are not recent publications.

I may keep blogging publicly,  I may quit blogging and I may blog privately- I just don’t know.
I won’t do it abruptly again and if I blog privately, I will have find a way to invite readers I can trust.

What do you other bloggers think when you check your traffic and won’t like what you see?

Happy Thanksgiving ❤️

 A tea set complete with spoons, cookies and a cake
 Momma and baby ducks with removable hats
 Frog with a crown and an oddly skinny elephant

And below a lion, tiger and bear Oh My!
 And last but not least,  a turtle.


  1. I saw the tea set on Instagram. Your mom is very talented. I have no words of wisdom for the creeps that troll the internet. I opened my Insta since my blogging had been more off than on. I have to block creeps often. I think I will move it to private again soon.

  2. They are all amazing but that tea set!!

  3. I'm glad to see you here again. It makes me sad when my favorite bloggers go to having private blogs. I always wonder what happened that made them choose to go to a private setting.I don't follow Instagram or Facebook. I haven't been actively blogging for a while,but I still have my site up. For so long my knees were causing me such pain that I stopped for awhile because I just couldn't seem to concentrate on blogging and was not doing anything much to blog about. My knees have been replaced now and I hope to do some blogging again in the future. Even though I'm not currently blogging, my site is still there and people continue to comment. Every once in a while a spammer or weirdo spammer will comment. I get rid of those types of comments as soon as I see them.

    What cute and creative crochet critters she makes and the crochet tea party set was amazing.

  4. I love the cute crochet things. I never check my traffic. What can people do that is not trustworthy?

  5. I am so happy this was a temporary condition. I look for your posts everyday and was sad to be excluded, but I thought it must be something temporary and I am happy I was right. Crochet things are darling.

  6. I do not worry about the traffic (I seldom check it anyway). I only worry about comments that might be left by spammers and bots so I approve each comment. All the best with your decision.

  7. Glad you were able to check in; we miss hearing from you about your frugal endeavors. I check Cheryl's Frugal Corner each morning, and am always happy when I see on her sidebar that you have a new post.Hope things settle down for you soon, and you come up with a solution for your blog.
    Carol in NC

  8. So glad to be able to read your blog again! Your mom's crocheted animals are adorable!

  9. Don't go away!!! I really enjoy your blog and you motivate me to get things done and organized.
    Barb in PA

  10. The animals are just too cute.
    I check traffic once in a great while. The only problem I have is with scammers. I see them post and then I delete and block or send them to Spam.
    I would hate to see you leave. Take your time and think about it.
    Have a nice Thanksgiving with your family.

  11. I block comments that I do not trust. I do not track my traffic. I will not go private for one reason only. Someone might need one bit of wisdom that I think is nothing at all and if I am private they might by pass my blog.

  12. Love them!!! You have done an amazing job and wish I had your talent.

  13. I am also missed seeing your post. I don't check traffic. I am trying to get my blog (not often posting tho) to show me when I have a comment but don't seem to get it set. Hope you stay on.
    Hope everything is getting better.

  14. Okay first part should say I also not am! Hope that isn't going to be my day!

  15. So cute! They are adorable! Hope you have a happy Thanksgiving.
    Sorry about the troublesome traffic. I think dh has a vpn set on his computer, so it probably shows some strange routing. I don't really understand but supposedly makes things more secure?

  16. First, the crochet goodies are ADORABLE. Secondly, please keep blogging, I am inspired by what you write (I never would have been able to make my new bedspread without you!), and I worry when I don't see new posts for a while (I'm always scared there's been a disaster). I simply read comments when they come up, and if they are snarky or spam, I just delete and block them. If you do go private, please email me a link so I can continue to enjoy your writing.

  17. I dont check my traffic other than numbers.i do get RT I'd of spam as soon ad I can. I love, love the crocheted abimals!

  18. I always look forward to your blog. I would be sad to see you go but life gets in the way sometimes. Have a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving!

  19. So glad to see your post. I do hope you continue to blog, it is one that I look forward to each day. I love your crocheted animals especially the turtle! I would buy one if you ever decided to sell them. :) Have a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving!

  20. You don't know me but your blog has inspired me in many ways. I think I commented when you were redoing recipes on your dining table---inspired me to go thru my Mom's and grandmother's. I love your lists---again, inspire me to get stuff done!! If you go private how will you decide who gets to see the blog? Hope I am one of the people :) Love your Mom's crochet animals!

  21. I was very sad when I thought you went private. To this day I think if you when I make my carrots, crazy but true.

  22. It was nice to see your post pop up in my reader today.

  23. Hey Rhonda! I love the little crochet lovies. I'm trying to learn how to crochet, but just enough to add edging to my knits. I would not worry about the creepy traffic. They are spam bots, trying to get traffic to their sites. They know bloggers will click on them and bam they have a hit. Just ignore them.

  24. Glad everything is ok at home. Was worried. I LOVE the tea set.

  25. Please don't stop blogging, your blog is one of my favorites...yours, Wendi's & Cheryl's are three of my favorites. I've learned so much from all of you and look forward to more. I just hope if you go private I'll be able to still join. Enjoy your Thanksgiving!

  26. When I saw that tea set on Instagram I said out loud, "How cute!" Your mother is quite a talented crocheter. Hope everyone is feeling better.

  27. Hi Rhonda,

    I enjoy reading your blog. I like seeing glimpses of everyday life and always enjoy hearing about what you're up to.
    I don't comment often but I always read :)

    Take care

  28. I have read your blog for quite a while now and link to other blogs through yours. I enjoy the blogs you link to. I am glad you are back. I always feel sad when bloggers just disappear.

  29. I never check my traffic - that doesn't bother me or affect my blog in any way. So please try not to worry about that. I have my comments on moderation so all comments come through my email first. That way if a spammer tries to comment, I just mark it as spam through my email and it doesn't get published on my blog.

    Love your mom's crochet work!

  30. Glad to see you back. You and your lists are so inspirational! I hope health and blog issues resolve themselves. take care!

  31. These are just too cute! I am still trying to learn to crochet. It will be a fun hobby this winter! Love your blog! Jacci

  32. I love that tea set! I hope you keep blogging.
    I enjoy reading it. I'm not sure what
    questionable things showing up on your
    blog are.
    There's always someone trying to ruin
    things. I hope your family is doing well.
    I think your hand written list are cute
    as well as useful.
    I make my own list too.
    If I don't make a list I forget what I need to get accomplished.


Thank you for dropping by today ❤️
Because of so many spam comments, I’m forced to moderate all comments. I know it’s a bother. I’m sorry but y’all don’t want to read their marketing or trash either. I’m sorry 😐