If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Sunday, October 11, 2020

October #1 - home updates and grandchildren fun

Hello everyone
Welcome to our front porch, all decked out for fall.  My husband bought the mums. 
My son bought the pumpkins and we filled them with the succulents that grew like crazy on our patio this summer. 
The white pumpkins went to his home and he arranged the orange ones at our front door.  

Our interior re-do is still in progress.  
There’s a pretty new rug in our entry way and that will give a clue to the home style I’m working toward.

We are waiting on the new carpet to be installed and have those 3 bedrooms and hall emptied and their contents are pretty much living in our dining room for now.  
The new furniture has been ordered and most of it is in boxes in my husband's shop. 
Some of the new curtains are here and some are backordered.  I went with insulated  ones from the Vermont Country Store and I think we are really going to enjoy them.  
Once it’s all done,  there will be more to show but for now,  this  house is anything but normal.  🤪

Some of the grands have been here. 
These guys were very happy to get crocheted toys from my mom,  their great grandmother. 
Braeden is missing his top front teeth.  Gavin is wearing a mask just because it was a new mask.  

Most falls, we make acorns out of mini Nilla Wafers, Kisses, chocolate chips and chocolate frosting to hold them together.  
All the local grands made them but they weren’t here at the same time and I didn’t get a photo when the countryboys were here,  
Here are the city cousins very happily making and eating acorns 


I hope you all are enjoying fall and making the best of it as possible.  
❤️ Rhonda 🇺🇸