If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Saturday, February 5, 2022

First post for February 2022#7

Hello everyone - I have less free time for blogging right now but I want to check in.
We have had a big snow event that’s lasted several days.  Granddaughter Cora was here today and we made tiny snowmen in the living room.  If you look close,  you’ll see a clear tray full of snow on top of a towel on a coffee table. We made snowmen and had lots of fun.  Cora wanted some tiny hats for the snow people but this was a spur of the moment activity and I didn’t have any tiny hats.  

I wish I had a before photo but Ducky got his first ever grooming, as in a professional haircut and he looks very handsome.  

Our oldest grandchild Gavin turned 13 this week.  His cousin Elizabeth isn’t far behind him  either.  
They spent lots of their early days here but now they are in different schools in 6th and 7th grade.  

I’m still trying to declutter and organize every square foot of our home.  I spent a few minutes cleaning out these 2 upper cabinets in our laundry room.  

These are the BEFORE photos ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

I only spent a few minutes working on them but I think it was well worth it.  

I removed the lightbulbs from most of their packaging to save space 

These are the AFTER photos 

All of this came out of the cabinets and went into the trash or recycle bin.  

Our laundry room stays pretty busy as I do our laundry and another family’s laundry so I’m quite happy I squeezed out the time to get this job done.
I also cleaned out our small entry closet but I didn’t take any photos.  I think my husband most appreciates this better space, I found a coat he forgot about pushed to one end so he’s been happily wearing it.  

Lejmom -  yes we still have some pantry items stored in 2 bedroom spaces but not as much and not as spread out as it was in 2020.  
But it’s likely a family will move in with us for several months so I’m trying to figure out how to keep a lot of pantry items and have room for them too.  Haven’t quite figured it all out but I’m planning options in my head and I’ll blog when I figure it out.  

Hope you all are fine 
❤️ Rhonda 


  1. I love your cabinets in the laundry room. I had cabinets in my laundry room in my house. They were so handy! I would never take bulbs from their packaging. I drop enough that without their packaging, I would have them all broken.

  2. The tip about light bulbs is brilliant! I just did mine. Thank you! You are a very good grandma! What fun it looks like you and Cora were having. And Ducky looks most handsome.

  3. I spend a great deal of time with my grandkids and I love it. I swear I declutter and it just comes back.

  4. It's a great time to get things done inside. You did a great job organizing!
    The grandkids grow so fast. Love your idea about the snowmen. It was actually too cold till this last weekend to even go sledding here but it warmed up finally.

  5. Love the tiny snowmen. What a fun activity to do with a grandchild.

    God bless.


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