If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Monday, June 28, 2010

Weekend doings

I baked some banana bread with some over-ripe bananas

canned some jalapenos from our backyard container garden with carrots and onions

Jeff was busy smoking meat for future meals - he smoked 20 pounds of pork loin, 6 whole chickens and a beef roast. Then he sliced all the meat and de-boned the chickens. Last week I made roma sauce for pasta and 6 meals worth of taco meat. I think we are stocked up on easy meals for awhile!

I sewed up a 4th of July dress for Elizabeth at her momma's request.

We also went out the country to see Gavin and take his momma, Amanda, her birthday gift. Gavin and Amanda traveled to east Texas and Arkansas last week to visit relatives there. And this week, Gavin's grandma Ruthie from Indiana is visiting here.
Gavin at his great-grandparents in Arkansas - doesn't he look like he is really enjoying being a little boy in the summer?

Last night, we got a nice little rain - the yard needed the water and we were happy to see our recent gutter installation in action and working just fine.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Yard Sales where price tags don't mean anything

I headed out to a few yard sales alone Saturday morning. Jeff was home smoking meat to stock our freezer. I only went to 4 and bought things at 3.
At the first sale I found this Fisher Price swing for Elizabeth to use at our house. It was marked $8.....

I also got these utensils there, they were marked 1 cent each.
So when I was checking out, the seller said - "I think that swing is $2 and you can just have the utensils"
I corrected her and said the swing was marked $8
She laughed and said "oh well, you can just have it all for $5"
I took it, I've been looking for a nice swing and have not found one for less than $25.

Now, on to another sale. See the price sticker on this pot - says 50 cents.
The other pot was not marked. I asked the seller how much they were, she said the tall one was $1 and the long one was 75 cents. I showed her the 50 cent price tag and handed her $2. She gave me back one quarter for change.
So apparently her price tags did not mean what they said either!
But I liked the pots and they will be great for backyard vegetables so I did not argue.

Gavin gets a pair of Carters jeans - marked $1 and paid $1.