If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Saturday, March 19, 2011

a reason to celebrate

this is what it looked like out our front door the first of February.

Today is the last day of winter!
1st of day of Spring is tomorrow and it will be very welcomed.

Monday, March 14, 2011

offspring that do stuff

Nina made this cute rainbow tutu for Elizabeth to wear when she celebrates
St. Patricks Day.
She also decorated Elizabeth's onesie with a pot of gold,
but since this picture from the back shows the rainbow tutu
best, you can't see the shirt. 
Son Bobby constructed this playset last week. 
He works doing odd jobs while he is in college.
He has always been good at mechanical things and constructing things,
so this playset was right up his alley.

Our backyard is not too big,
or I might be hiring him to build one in our backyard too. 

My children grew up in home where we always seemed to be making something  or cooking something or sewing something or fixing something.  I am happy that they still like to make things and they are not afraid to work when needed.