If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Crazy people frugal doings

First, I do not think taking way too many condiment packages is the right thing to do.
And I did not take these. 

My son treated us all to Olive Garden take out over Thanksgiving. He said the server that sacked up his  order was especially enthusiastic and added handfuls of grated cheese packets to his sacks even though he did NOT ask for them,   The Olive Garden Take Out

I guess a few us used some of the cheese when we ate that time. But the rest of the packets ended up in my pantry. I found them this week and decided I should do something with it, 

I got out a pint jar, funnel and scissors. Then I opened and shock them all out. 
I ended up with about a cup of grated Romano that I will use in future recipes. 

I am not advising to take extras, but if you do end up with extra packets, use them, 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Plans and Goals for 2014

My plans and goals for 2014, in no particular order at all though I did try to group them by topics

Keep records in homekeeping notebook and put a copy of my goals in the front of it  to remind me

Menu plan a week ahead and try at least 2 new recipes each month. I've already tried 1, Lena's soup

Sew at least 6 quilts with stuff in the craft room- I will need to buy batting and am wondering if I should buy a giant roll or would it be nuisance to work with and store.  Any advice from anyone who has ever bought a whole roll of batting? 

Quilt # 1 in progress in photo at bottom

Cricut- follow the challenge blog and do at least one challenge a month

Pinterest,  like Tammy plans to, DO at least one Pin every week, especially when I find pins that the grands would like to do,  get the stuff ready before they get here. 

As in 2014, clean out every drawer, cabinet and closet in this house at least once.  Less is More :) 

Make some  gifts.  look on Pinterest of course!

Health wise- eat more fruit, aim for 2 fresh fruits a day, I buy lots of fruit and serve it to my husband and grands but I don't eat as much of it as I should

Walk at least 5 out of 7 days -aim for 10000 steps

Bible study every day - I mostly read and do 2 or 3 devotion series on the YouVersion Bible App
Swagbucks everyday -make goal #1 everyday and shoot for goal #2 on days when Swags has many quick earners.
take time every week to watch one old movie or TV show 1962 or older - just because I like them. 

Make baked treats for husband's work once a month

Now that we have a gas stove,  get out the cast iron skillets and try cooking with them. 
blog 15 times a month

Financial goals-
I have 3 very specific goals but decided to not list them here. I have them in my notebook but for privacy and because we all have different incomes and expenses, I just don't feel confortable listing them,  

Stay with our budget and there should be more than enough to accomplish these goals and increase our savings.

There are several financial choices we have made that lower our costs for watching TV without a cable bill, low cost cell phones, easy way to buy gasoline and keep track of that expense and using the envelope system of groceries and personal spending  I will be sharing these in future January posts. 

I thought this might be a 14 in 2014 list but it ended up a bit longer.  
and No,  I probably wont accomplish all of them but I like lists and plans and having ideas in written form helps keep me on track.  
Hopefully I will get lots done. 

Do you make goals or do you call them resolutions or do you just wing it?