The appliance repairman came yesterday and fixed the problem.
This little screen that goes somewhere was full and crusted with “sediment”
It’s a tiny little filter but it was just full of packed sand. And that’s why the cycles weren’t working.
He put a new one on.
I’ve done laundry all day and every load washed just like it was supposed to.
It’s funny because I had an anonymous blog comment 2 days ago and they said their repairman cleaned out a bunch of sediment in their washer too.
My town has a big shortage of school bus drivers. So this spring, the school district decided to rotate areas of service.
It’s a big problem for people without vehicles or relatives willing to help.
But I’m happy to pickup 2 grands who are without a bus for a week or 2.
One of their parents take them to school and I just need to pick them up.
I knew lots of people would be picking up kids but I was surprised by this line.
I got there 20 minutes early and the pickup line was already 3 1/2 blocks from the school! And there are 2 pickup lines on different sides of the school depending on the students last names.
Once school let out, actual pickup went smooth and pretty fast.
I’ve been busy today. My big accomplishments were deep cleaning our bathroom and bedroom.
I’ve been busy today. My big accomplishments were deep cleaning our bathroom and bedroom.
No photos but I was behind on cleaning and it feels so much nicer and fresher.