If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Friday, January 30, 2015

Today's thrifty shopping

Linking up with Mimi's Five star frugal link up

I stopped at CVS this morning. I used ECBs from my last purchase, an email coupon from CVS and manufacturer coupons on everything,
I got 3 mascaras and 3 dental floss and spent $4.34 cash and got back $13 in ECBs for my next purchase.

I also stopped at my favorite thrift store.  I spent $5 for this mini doughnut pan and a handful of teaspoons. 

The doughnut pan is small. I will try baking some mini ones but if it is too much trouble, then I am sure the grands would be very happy to use it to make play dough doughnuts. 

I don't mind if the spoons don't match, I have a big assortment of silverware. When all our family is here, we might have 15 or so people here for meals.  We usually use disposable plates but everyone prefers real silverware.

I got these old magazines from the thrift store free pile.
The Burda sewing magazine has a big section of uncut patterns in the center, I am wondering what they are.  The date is 1989 so they may be very out of style, who knows.  

Have you found any good deals? 

Thursday, January 29, 2015

The past week in a few pictures

Here is the to do list I started Monday. I've tried other formats and fancier planners but a sheet of notebook paper for the week just works best for me.  
Yes, I finally got all of that ironing done last week, it was 10 shirts for my husband, 5 blouses for me and 2 pair of jeans with hems that curled up. 

I made one trip to CVS on Sunday on the way to church. I got an email from them this morning with a $5/15 coupon so I will be going back. 

My daughter personalized these tiny onesies for a teacher at her school that just had a baby. They had a shower planned but the teacher gave birth 3 weeks early. 

We had some delicious pecan pie- made with my mom's recipe. It was so good, I could eat it every day.   
I made the crusts with a recipe that makes 4 crusts, I rolled out the other 3 crusts into pie pans and put them in the freezer stacked with a sheet of wax paper between them. They all fit into a 2 gallon Ziploc bag. So when I do get ready to bake another pie, the crust part is ready and waiting. 

Is there sickness going around your family? I am fine but all 3 grandsons are on the mend after being sick with different illnesses and several people we know are very sick with the flu.

Have a good rest of the week everyone!