If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Momma Hydrangea and 5 of her babies

This is our original hydrangea. This is her 4th spring in our flower bed. I did not know how to take care of her until I learned from Manuela
Thank goodness she knows how because I was doing it all wrong, pruning it too much, watering and feeding it too little.
Last summer, this bush sort of collapsed and many of her branches were laying on the ground. So I follower Manuela's tutorial and ended up with 8 baby hydrangea this spring.
And not only did they grow, they are even putting on buds and blooming!
Thank you Manuela!
She has a great post today about her pretty yard. Her's are blooming bigger and sooner because she is in a warmer zone than we are, but mine should be blooming in full just like hers soon.

Notice all the holes in the leaves? Those are all from Oklahoma Spring hail.

This is a Blushing Bride hydrangea and was planted the year Nina and John got married. How sweet that this bush has babies the same year they are will have their first baby too?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

my opinion of Olay Simply Ageless

"COVERGIRL & Olay Simply Ageless - A first-of-its-kind premium make-up line that can actually make you look younger - "

well, that is what they say anyway.

I have belonged to BzzAgent.com for about 6 years. I have participated in several campaigns where Bzzagent sends out products for sampling and testing, they hope that the bzzagents will like the products, then talk favorably about them to their friends.

My latest products from Bzzagent were 4 Olay Simply Ageless cosmetics. They sent 2 under eye concealers, which I don't really need but I do think they are a good product if you use eye concealers.
They also sent a blush in a color I am not crazy about but I do like the blush.
I really like the foundation. It is light for foundation, goes on smoothly and not heavy looking, easy to blend and does not have any scent that I can tell.

sorry, I don't have any free makeup to offer you, I do have 5 $2 coupons that I would be happy to mail out to any one who wants some of them, while they last any way. Just leave me a comment and I will get back to you.
But I think there is an even better Cover Girl coupon that does not expire until the end of May that is B1G1F.

Saturday morning yardsale purchases

It was Jeff and me out to the yard sales today. I'm a little sad that I did not see a single piece of Pyrex but we found a few good deals.

retro coffee/tea pot for $1

2 yard toys for Gavin for $1
Both are Fisher Price, one is a Lion Glide and Ride and sells at Target for $43.

Boppy baby seat for Baby E. It was in great shape, but since the cover was so easy to remove, I machine washed it and it looks even better.

And - a Walmart sack full of very nice baby girl clothes, $5 for all!

I ran all of the clothes through the wash too. Then I hung them up on hangers after partially machine drying them. There were 14 complete outfits, 3 bottoms, 1 top and a cute little bathing suit with a skirt.

I like all of the clothes but I think this appliqued dress is my favorite.

So, did any of you go yard-saleing today? and what goodies did you find?