If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Yard sale fun

We went to just a few sales on our side of town this morning and found  a few goodies. 
a fleet of construction vehicles that Gavin will just love
and a doggie pull toy for Elizabeth
$3 for all

2 childrens books  50 cents for both

vintage linens - still in their factory packaging
3 pairs of pillowcases and 1 twin sheet
$3 for all

stack of Corelle plates $2
I think there are 6 dinner plates
and 8 sandwich plates.
We saw a similar stack of Corelle at the Antique Mall
today for $24. 

still in their original package and shrink-wrapped
a set of highly scented bath oils. 
50 cents!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Nap Time

baby Elizabeth - pooped from all her playing this morning.

little Gavin
his first nap in this little red bed. 
He was so excited when he saw this bed and has
never been so eager to take his nap as today. 

They both sleep more on their tummies,  not sure why they are both sleeping on their backs today.   Maybe they are just so tired from all their morning activities. 

About the toddler bed,  it was given to us and has been in the active for about 18 months.  Gavin likes is so much, I am glad I took it and kept in the attic until he was ready for it.
The cute quilt was made by my fraternal grandmother for one of my children,  they all used it and I can't quite remember exactly who she made it for. 

Monday, June 20, 2011

Make do and mend Monday

Elizabeth has a couple of cute long sleeve shirts here.
It is way too hot for long sleeves and these shirts will be
too small for her by the time it is cold again.
So, my make do and mend project today
was to alter these shirts.
I just cut off the sleeves....
turned under the edge about 3/8 inch and pinned it up.
then I just machine stitched with invisible thread.

I think the whole project took 15 minutes.

2 re-done shirts
perfect all the hot days to come

If you've done a make do and mend project or you want to read about more projects like this one,
pleas visit my friend Heidi

our "pool"

The grandchildren love to play outside but it is so hot here
so I rigged up this pool in the shade for them.
Anyone recognize what it is?
the lid from the Little Tikes turtle sandbox

They also have a great time playing with this watering can
that belonged to their great great granddad. 

I expect in a few years that they will need a fancier pool to keep them happy
but I am sure enjoying that simple things are fun and keep them interested and active.

front yard flowers

Crinums in full bloom!

not as covered with blooms as some I've seen on other blogs
but this more blooms than they ever done

a rose bush from Aldis

red roses on a bush that was already here
when we bought this house