If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom!

4 generations
Me, little Elizabeth,  my daughter Nina and my mom Rowena

My Mom's birthday is this week.

Happy birthday with love to you!  

Friday, November 18, 2011

the little stuff is at the top of my thankful list

Some cookies I baked today for a baby shower that Nina is hosting tomorrow.
The new mom is doing this new baby daughter's room in hot pink and zebra. 
Nina saw some cookies similar to these on Pinterest and thought they would be perfect for this occasion. The Pinterest version used peanut butter cookies dipped in pink sugar.  
The new mom is a RD so I am sure she follows the no nuts eating recommendation to avoid passing on allergies to the baby.
So I baked a double batch of  thumbprint cookie dough from Betty Crocker,
 and tinted it heavily with rose food coloring.   
The center is a Hugs flavor of the striped Hershey kisses 
I don't think I have ever made such hot pink cookies before,  these turned out delicious though!

I saw this cartoon on Facebook and  really like it .
I am just not a fan of rushing from holiday to the next,
I am not really a fan of rushing anything
So I will just be enjoying Thanksgiving for the rest of November.  
The December issues of Country Living and Martha with  their very pretty Christmas covers have arrived
but I will just wait until Dec. 1st to read them.

Sweet little Gavin and Elizabeth this morning
just a coincidence that they both wore Eskimo Joe shirts

Jimmy came for lunch and Elizabeth was so excited to see him.
Gavin would of been excited too but he had already left today.    

I am thankful for little things like a lunch visit from my son,  
sweet grandchildren, 
 fresh cookies,  
a funny cartoon,  
and new magazines

there are lots more things I am thankful and this is just the things I am thinking of right now

I added a few kind of new blogs to me on my sidebar.
One is the fun activities of an American family living in Europe.
One is a homemaker in New Zealand who follows Pinterest and actually makes something she pins everyday, then blogs about it.  
Another one is about thrifty things made at home and 
the one is  called Life at Kilkinney Glenn