If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Possibly the cutest brother shirts ever

My daughter Nina designed and printed these shirts for her nephews.
She has a Silhouette machine that makes the designs and transfers.
She just got a fancy heat press machine that attaches the designs to the fabric in a professional way.  

I think they are wonderful and the new parents were very excited to get them.

Bubby is what Gavin has called himself since he could talk.
When asked what his new brother's name should be, Gavin said "Baby Bubby"
so that is why the shirts say Bubby.  

the backs of the shirts

Nina is working on an Etsy shop.
I'll post a link when she opens it.  

Backyard improvements

Jeff took some vacation days from his job and spent much of it doing improvements to our back yard.  

Like all of our neighbors, our yard has a 6 foot privacy fence around the back part.
He spent several days converting one of the front sections into a double gate.

Now that we have a gate,  he can drive his pick-up into the back yard .
That is especially handy when he has a load to drop off......

Like this wood he used to put a roof on this pergola that has been in our backyard since we bought the house.

It had slats in the roof part but they gave no shade or protection from rain.
This picture is in the middle of the roof construction.

It is finished now but I am not going to climb up on that ladder to take a picture of it.
just take my word, OK?

He also took apart and cleaned out the Rubbermaid storage building in the back yard.
Then he made a new higher foundation for it and put it all back together.  

The next plan is to do some kind of paved surface under and around that pergola- either poured concrete or maybe pavers.

I only assisted a little - and mostly just kept his Iced Tea mug full.
But I sure am glad to have all these jobs done!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Our newest Grandson

Meet baby Braeden
He was born 7/10/2012 and  is Gavin's little brother.

Welcome to the world, baby boy!