If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Tightwad October - Day 7 - borrow if you can

I take care of my grandchildren some of the days that their parents work.  4 month old Elizabeth usually spends 3 days each week with me.
At her home home,  she has a swing that rocks side to side and she puts herself to sleep in it and takes long naps. 
Well,  the swing at my house just went back and forth and she would only sleep 10 or 15 minutes at time in it.  Elizabeth was not getting enough sleep at my house and we were both getting a little cranky. 
Nina mentioned this to some of her other new-mommy friends.  One of them has a daughter that is almost a year old and she had outgrown this pink swing that rocks side to side.  That mommy had her husband fetch it from the basement and even washed the cover so it would be fresh for Elizabeth.   Nina brought it over and set it up this morning and little Miss Elizabeth had a much better day today rocking side to side the way she is used to at her home. 

Babies, like most Americans,  seem to have so much stuff these days.  Especially if you are needing baby things or child things or most anything,  just spread the word among your friends that you are looking for it.
 I think the odds are pretty good that somebody else has one and would like to get rid of it. 

Even the side to side swing Elizabeth has at her home is borrowed from their next door neighbor.  


  1. She's precious, Rhonda. And yes, borrowing is definitely the way to go especially with things babies don't use for very long.

  2. OMG! She has grown! What a sweetie. Borrowing is definitely the thing to do!

  3. Beautiful baby! I like that kind of swing.

  4. She is beautiful! Look at those ruby lips and cute pink cheeks!!!

  5. Hi Rhonda,
    How beautiful. Must love like grandma. :)
    I love your frugal post.


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