If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Summer Fun

Hello everyone 

Saturday, we spent the afternoon with our son, daughter in law and their 3 children.  
They have a huge, above ground pool and we all had the best time, 
That’s my husband in the giant floating unicorn.  😂

I’m holding our youngest grandchild RJ while he naps.  He swam all he could  but toddlers just need naps.  

Sunday evening was spent sewing.  Our daughter and her family always go to North Carolina for a beach vacation in July.  She ordered matching 4th of July clothing but when they arrived,  the sizing was way off.  The shirts for her 2 boys fit, but the dress for her 8 year old was the right size for a 3 year old and the adult shirts were way too small as well. 
She wanted her children to all match,  so she asked me figure out a way to make 1 dress  with the wrong size clothing.  

I had that Simplicity 8369 pattern already and I was able to make it from the 2 adult shirts.  I think it turned out pretty cute. 
I’ll post a photo of it on the 8 year old when she wears it.  

This grandson made a wooden knife when he was here over the weekend.  He found a scrap of wood and drew a knife shape on it.  His grandpa cut out the knife, then Braeden sanded and colored it with markers.  
He wanted a case for it so I sewed up a very simple scabbard with brown fleece and added fringe to make it old west style.  
He likes it a lot!  

Then the UPS brought a delivery.  I placed an order on Sunday night for 1 hat and 3 swimsuits.  
So I was rather shocked by these 3 huge boxes.  

Turns out,  I actually ordered TWO hats.  My husband really likes this style and the wide brim protects his entire head and neck.  So I think we will keep both of them. 
But Amazon, I really think you could of shipped both hats in just 1 box.  

Wednesday- we had 2 grandson and 1 extra here most of the day.  
I gave them a painting project.  

They swam in our backyard pool.  

They also played basketball, rode bikes, had some screen time and they ate, ate and ate.  

It was also our daughter in law’s birthday, so I helped them make frosted brownie cupcakes to take to her.  
The cupcake papers and decorations were some of the things I got when my parents downsized.  
I’m so glad our craft room is organized now and I can easily find things in there, like these festive cupcake supplies. 

I think today will be a housecleaning day, a little sewing and a nap for this tired grandma 😴 

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Flag Day, 🇺🇸, cooking, sewing and a money making App

Hello everyone
Today is Flag Day in the USA so we posted our flags in the front yard.  

My daughter’s birthday was this week and we had a last minute family birthday supper here.  
I decorated the dining room with flags and they may just stay up until Labor Day.  
None of the decorations are new.  
I made the primitive flag on the wall more the 15 years ago
The table runner is maybe 10 years old.  

The 2 sets of flag banners are sort of new- I bought them several years ago at a big Veterans hospital gift shop.  They were 75% off and I think that made them .50 cents a package.  

We were out of homemade pasta sauce so I made a big batch this week. 
I don’t use a recipe.  I sauté the onions in a little olive oil, then add canned tomatoes (whatever purée, crushed, sauce or paste on hand)  It gets seasoned with salt and pepper, garlic, basil, oregano, Italian seasoning and just a little sugar.  It gets simmered and I add seasoning as needed, just adding and simmering until it tastes right. 

Then I put it in containers and freeze until needed.  
My family really likes it.  They say jarred sauces are too sweet.  
I’ve been making it like this for years.  

I like to sew burp cloths for baby gifts but I was all out of baby flannel.  So I made myself go to Joann last Saturday when the baby flannels were just $1.99 a yard.  They rarely put it on sale that low.  
I also used my military ID for 10% extra off and got back 5% from Ibotta.  
I can make lots of burp cloths and bibs with all this cute fabric.  

Have you heard of a Secret Shopper program called Field Agent? 
I got the app a few weeks ago but hadn’t tried it. 
Then one afternoon we were going to Lowe’s and I hadn’t planned supper.  I saw a job on Field Agent to order pizza on the Little Caesar’s app.  If I filled it all out, Field Agent would reimburse me for the pizzas and pay me $4.50.  
So I tried it, answered the questions they asked about the pizzas and service and sent the photos they requested.  
It was easy and delicious.  
And I was paid and reimbursed! 

I also did a job at Walmart that worked the same way, I bought a bag of Kraft cheese and was reimbursed and paid $2.  

That’s my history so far on Field Agent.  
Pay is made by direct deposit. 
Jobs vary everyday and I’m guessing bigger towns have more jobs available than in the not big town I live in.
My daughter has also done a couple of Field Agent jobs and she likes it too.  

You won’t get rich doing Field Agent,  but if you want to make a bit of money and maybe get free products, I recommend it.  
There is no referral program so just sign up if you want to try it.  

Thursday, June 7, 2018

A favorite thing, a repair and 2 little sewing projects

One is my favorite things is our adhesive box.  Because I sew and craft and because we fix things,  we have several kinds of tapes and glues.  
A few years ago, I rounded most all of them up from various places in our home and put them in one container.  
It is so handy now when anything needs done, we just look in the “glue box” and get what we need.  

This box is on a shelf in the craft room closet- easy to find.  

Elizabeth’s sandal had a separating sole and she asked if I could fix it.  
I used Fix All adhesive from Dollar Tree and clothespins to clamp it shut while the glue dries.  
One sole was half off and the other one was just starting to come apart.  

Hopefully they will be fixed when the glue sets.  

It is humid in Oklahoma and drinks in bottles really sweat in the summer.  
I don’t really care for wet bottles so I sewed up a couple of home made Koozies.  
They are just scrap quilting fabric, with fusible batting inside and Velcro for the closure.  

Bottles vary in size so if you sew some,  just figure out the best width and height for your bottle. 
My bottle is 16 ounces and the finished Koozie is about 10 inches by 5 inches.  

Remember Scrunchies from the 90s?  
I saw this YouTube video and decided to make some 


Her instructions say the fabric should be cut 4.5 inches by 18 inches.  That works perfect. 
She recommended the elastic be 8 inches but that was too long for my fine hair.  I shortened my elastic to 7 inches.  

It’s been raining all day and this has been a perfect day to stay home and fix and sew.  

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Birthday fun and easy meals

Hello everyone 🌞

With my craft room in order, it was easy and fun to make this birthday card.  I used a circle paper punch, embroidery floss, scrap paper, a glue stick and a rubber stamp. 

Our oldest granddaughter, Elizabeth, turned 8 ❤️

Her momma (my daughter, Nina) made her a very fun surprise center cake. 
When cut, candy and sprinkles pour out.  It was a very special cake and it tasted delicious too. 
Nina also fancied up my husband’s insulated iced tea cup.  She uses some kind of inks, epoxies and a turning contraption.  They turn out beautiful and she has a busy little side business starting with them.  

I haven’t made a pretty to do list lately but I made one yesterday.  

My husband has a little garden in our backyard.  Yesterday he picked onions, a few peppers, basil and lettuce.  

Supper last night was easy
Hash brown potatoes
Spinach from the garden with onions and a little bacon
Chopped veggies with cottage cheese- I like balsamic vinegar on mine ❤️

Another easy meal was fajita bowls. I cooked 2 diced chicken breasts in one pan, 2 onions and 2 bell peppers in another,  when done I mixed them together and seasoned with garlic salt, pepper and lime juice.  
Serve on top of rice and add salsa, sour cream and cheese as desired.  

This is so good and is good leftover too.  

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Yard sale selling and buying

Hello everyone 
We were up and out in our garage and driveway early this morning.  I did some of the work but my husband and son did the majority of it.  
We pretty much just had a assortment of odds and ends to sell.  

When we were too hot and tired,  we moved the leftovers to the end of our driveway and marked it free.  Most all was picked up fairly fast.  
There was so little left that it was easy to deal with.  

I walked to few of the neighbors who were also having sales.
Everything in this photo was $5.75

Not shown are a bunch of clay pots $1 each
8 basketballs and soccerballs .50 each
A skateboard for .50 
And an air tank for $10, my husband picked it out

Any of you yardsale today? I like hearing about treasures and bargains.