Hello everyone,
It’s been such a busy and fun July - just not much free time for blogging. But here are some of the highlights, when I took photos.
I am the crafting grandma and all the grands want to do crafts when they see me.
Below are some crafts we did, all inspired by Pinterest, and chosen because I had the supplies on hand.
Dolls made with paper towel tubes, google eyes and scrap yarn and paper.
At the bottom are snakes made from chenille stems and pony beads and more google eyes. The 3 boys ages 3, 5 and 6 liked making the snakes and really enjoyed playing with the snakes.
The 8 year old girl liked making the dolls, especially the fancy hair ones.

Popsicle stick and yarn turtles were a hit with all 5 local grands. They are 3 craft sticks hot glued into a turtle shape and then wrapped with variegated yarn.

This 5 year old took the yarn wrapping very seriously and counted out loud “over 2 and under 1” as he wove the yarn on so carefully. His finished turtle is the one in the center of the photograph above.

We also did celery painted fish- just dip a celery stalk into tempera paints and rainbow paint the fish. All 5 children enjoyed this. Their great grandmother was here for this craft and she enjoyed it too.

The older grands made Perler bead crafts.

The 2 oldest grands started making these beaded suncatchers but they got bored halfway through and I finished them all the next day.

They are hard to see in the next photo but there are 3 of them hanging from the pergola, one in the center and one each corner. The wire is bracelet memory wire.
I liked making them and hope to make some more.

These 2 granddaughters had fun painting some beach themed Dollar Tree suncatcher kits.
Can you tell that’s not our home?
We went on a trip to South Padre Island, Texas. Our son and his family had a condo there for a week and we joined them for part of it.

On the drive down, we all stopped at a big Bass Pro Shop and the kids had so much fun climbing all over an ATV on display.

We all stayed at the same La Quinta hotel one night and the in hotel breakfast was very nice and child friendly.

Charlie and Grandpa enjoying some morning snuggles.

The condo had a nice kitchen and we cooked a hot breakfast each morning and then had sandwiches and fruit for lunch.
For supper, we went to different restaurants on the island.
Our favorite was Blackbeard’s steaks and seafood. After we ate there, the children got balloon creatures from a funny man.

I was just too busy on the island to take many photos. We swam in the pool just outside our condo and we swam in the gulf and collected shells. We ate and visited and saw some of the sights.
It was a fun time and we especially enjoyed spending so much time with these 3 grands and their parents that we don’t see as much as the other 5 grands.
My husband and I drove back home and we planned to see some sights on the way but it was just so hot and we changed plans.
We did stop a H-E-B grocery store. It is a Texas chain, the stores are huge and carry so many fun items. My husband liked this grill shaped like a longhorn. See the grill in the background painted like a Texas flag? I don’t think any state flag is reproduced more than the Texas flag. It is everywhere in Texas.

We also stopped at Buc-ees , another Texas chain, but these are gas station -rest areas- food stores- novelty stores all in one in huge buildings and they claim to have the nicest, cleanest restrooms in Texas and I agree with them.
If you’re ever driving through Texas, stop at a Buc-ees and I expect you’ll like it as much as we did.

While we were on vacation, our Ducky had his own vacation at a pet resort in our town.
He had a great time and we were so happy that the kennel posted photos on Facebook so we could see Ducky while we were gone.

The staff told us the black Lab is named Wrigley and was Ducky’s BFF for the week.

We’ve got a small backyard garden and our biggest yield has been from the cherry tomato plants.
Below is one day’s harvest.

I’ve diced up so many tiny tomatoes and made quart after quart of fresh salsa. We’ve eaten it and shared it and have really enjoyed it- it’s just diced tomatoes mixed with finely diced onion, jalapeño, cilantro, garlic salt and lime juice.

With our garden peppers, I’ve made refrigerator pickles of jalapeños, onions and carrots. They are not “canned” and must stay in the fridge but we eat them pretty fast.

And for our son in law that doesn’t like carrots, we made him 2 jars of just assorted peppers and onions but no carrots.

I have to say my husband has been a big help with the above foods. He grew them and he helps me do the chopping too. We are really enjoying this retired stage of life.
I did some coupon shopping this weekend and I have plans to do a room by room cleaning and organizing throughout our home.
The grands start back to school soon and all 5 local grands will be in schools all day. After 9 years, my days of almost daily grandchild care while their parents worked, is over.
So I plan to be back homekeeping and will still take of my family and I plan to blog about it.
And if you read this far, I’m amazed. This has been one long, rambling on post.
Hopefully my future posts will be more frequent and less lengthy.
See you all soon ❤️