If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

If you do stuff, stuff gets done.......

Monday, June 10, 2024

Getting back to doing stuff

Hello everyone
I’ve pretty much been away from blogs for several months - lots of reasons from me just not feeling like myself, my husband having health issues and several family situations I can do nothing about.  
I can work on myself and I’ve been to the doctor.  One of my issues is responding to very well to a new prescription but other issues still exist-  so,  I’m just going to do what I can, try to fix what I can and just live with the rest. 
And I want to get back to being more productive.   

So,  I made this list for the new week.  And as of this evening,  I’ve checked off a few more things too.  

I picked a little more than a gallon of green beans this morning.  We have one row of them in a skinny bed and they are producing quite well. 

We had a family meal last night with family packs from Texas Roadhouse.  
We all ate heartily but there lots of rolls left.  
My husband’s favorite breakfast is a sausage biscuit or 2.  
So I decided to use a lot of those rolls for breakfast sandwiches.  

I happen to have a good supply of breakfast sausage bought during Kroger sales.  
So I cooked up 3 rolls and made about 2 dozen breakfast sandwiches.  
I put all but 1 box in the freezer and the other one in the fridge.  
They heat up easier when their are not frozen.  
He can just heat up 1 or 2 for his breakfasts.  
And when a box empties,  we will take a frozen box and put in the fridge.  

In the sewing room,  I’ve started 2 more strip quilts.  
It’s my favorite kind to sew.  
We have 2 twin extra long beds in a guest room and regular quilts are just not long enough for these beds 
so I’ll sew these to be size that covers them like a bed spread.  

That’s all for now 


  1. Glad to hear from you. I was getting worried.
    Sorry you've not been well. I struggle with health problems too. I've fallen behind on my homemaking
    because of of pain.
    So I am just doing what I can each day.
    It is frustrating because I feel like I can do more but your body says no. If I don't listen I will pay the price.
    I love the strip quilts too. Excellent way to use use small pieces of fabric.
    I pray that things improve for you my friend.

    1. I’m so sorry and I do understand what you are going through. Thank you for the prayers ❤️

  2. The breakfast idea looks easy and delicious! It is always nice when we can be productive. I hope you feel better soon! God bless you!

    1. Thank you ❤️ my husband really likes them

      I’m hoping being more productive will be like a medicine for me

  3. I too have started using a notebook to get back on track, but for the fact I fractured my foot and could not get around to do anything. I hope you are feeling better soon.

    1. I think notebooks are very underrated in this age of fancy planners and digital organizers.
      Paper works for me! I hope your foot heals. I broke my foot when my children were preschoolers. It healed but the pain stayed for years

  4. Glad to see you post. You have been missed. Hope all are feeling better!!

    1. Thank you Cheryl. Your faithful blog posts are such an inspiration

  5. So glad you are back. You are the first blog I read in the morning. Take care of yourself!

    1. Really Barb? That is quite a compliment. Thank you ❤️

  6. Sorry to read that you and your hubs have been having health issues, Rhonda. But glad medication is helping with some of it. I'm envious of your green beans, ours are just coming up and they were a bear to get to germinate this year. Can't wait to see those quilts!


    1. Thank you Jane. Our green beans started slow as we had a cool wet spring, but once they took off, they produced bountifully.
      I will show the new quilts but it’s going to be awhile.

  7. So glad to see you back Rhonda!
    I too have family issue that are not in my control- I guess everyone does. Trying to find peace in it though.
    What are you crocheting? I need to start something. It is good for me to have a restful project.
    And I am curious about your "buy nothing" pile?!?

    1. Thank you Angela, the yarn is for a plastic canvas project, not crochet.
      The Buy Nothing group is through Facebook. It’s a way to pass on cast offs to local people who want them, no money involved.

  8. Hi Rhonda,
    Boy am I glad to see a post from you, I was really getting worried. I don’t think I’ve posted before but I faithfully read your blog. So hi, welcome back, great to see you!
    Dale in Vermont

    1. Nice to meet you Dale and what a nice compliment ❤️ I like your name. It is also the middle name of one of our sons.

  9. Great to see a post from you! Sometimes getting back to tasks is a big help. I’m glad your new medicine is helping you and hopefully you will get the rest under control soon. I hope you will share the strip quilts when you get finished!

    1. Thank you Mandy. I’m thankful to live in a time when there are some medicines that help so much
      And I will share my quilt progress and when they are done

  10. So glad to hear from you! Rosa R.

  11. Rhonda! So good to see your post today!
    Hoping you and hubby are feeling better day by day. You have been missed in the blog-o-sphere!
    The strip quilt idea sounds good...please show us the finished products.
    I like the idea of breakfast sausage sandwiches for the freezer. Will have to try those. I make a breakfast casserole for my husband which gives him 9 days of breakfasts. I mix 18 eggs, grated cheese, 2 cans drained mushrooms, and sausage or ham for the meat. Greased 13 x 9 pan --350 for 45 minutes. When cool, he cuts it into 9 servings. Just nuke a slice for breakfast.

    1. Hi Lejmom your recipe sounds delicious- like quiche without the crust.
      I will show the new quilts but it’s going to be awhile. I’ve finished 9 blocks but I think it’s going to take 160 or so for the 2 quilts

  12. Sorry to hear about your troubles,(all will work out in the end) but glad you are back posting. Hugs!


  13. I love the breakfast sandwiches. Those will keep your Hubby happy for a good amount of time. I am glad that you are back to posting I love how busy you keep yourself and working through the troubles.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you. However, I’m not nearly as busy as I used to. I’m trying to be more productive but somedays, it just doesn’t happen.


Thank you for dropping by today ❤️
Because of so many spam comments, I’m forced to moderate all comments. I know it’s a bother. I’m sorry but y’all don’t want to read their marketing or trash either. I’m sorry 😐